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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I just got my stamp in the mail for my HK SBR. It took three months and ten days from purchase to receiving the stamp.
  2. I’m in S.E Shelby. No power loss at my home. My daughter lives in a downtown apartment. She lost power last night. My sister in law lives in midtown and has been without power since the ice started. I feel bad for my brother. He works for MLGW, and I don’t think he’s gotten much sleep the last two days. It’s long past due the power lines be buried in the ground.
  3. Perhaps the lawyer is a civil attorney who just also has an association with the NAACP and a background in dealing with officer involved misconduct. I have no problem with the family immediately obtaining an attorney. Regardless if the deceased was right or wrong, this is still a trying time for his family, and at this moment they may not be able to effectively gather and communicate their thoughts. Their actions are the same actions that any of us would take if we were involved in a shooting. Shut up and get a lawyer.
  4. This was my first thought . There were already several officers and highway patrol covering the guy with their weapons. Then two more officers approach the the scene with shotguns. Why couldn’t someone employ less than lethal on him while he’s standing there with the box cutter? Maybe my expectations are unrealistic, but I expect more professionalism from the highway patrol. I was an army Military Policeman and very briefly a corrections officer. Two things both of those jobs stressed and required were the ability to be able to deescalate and communicate. In the army you’re dealing with some people who can easily kick your ass at any time and in corrections all you have is your voice and a radio to save your behind. In the body cam video the officer talking was a good thing, but it also sounded like someone covering his ass if he had to shoot. Good move. Other than that, there were no attempts to use less than lethal force prior to the now deceased pulling his hand from his pocket. In any situation similar to this, I’d rather see less than lethal force applied prematurely as opposed to someone getting killed or a having an officer injured. The repercussions for using less lethal prematurely are less severe than those that will be faced for discharging a firearm. Someone mentioned that people would still complain about the use of less than lethal force. Perhaps, but it’s not a career ending event where the officers potentially faces jail and financial ruin. Just my two cents. Have a good weekend.
  5. I recently purchased two old Motorola Radius 1255’s from eBay for me and my brother to use in our side by sides while out riding the trails. We’ve yet to install them. Other than that, it’s old, outdated tech that has no real use anymore. As others have mentioned, the apps and your cell phone are your best options.
  6. Like many here I too still enjoy Meatloaf’s music on my classic rock playlist. His is a sad death, but concerning Covid-19 he was quoted saying that he would rather die than be controlled. Freedom!
  7. The entire discussion is irrelevant. What’s going to be done about these findings? Nothing! It’s just more of the power brokers ensuring that we continue to do what we are doing now. Little powerless citizens fighting one another. I’m no longer convinced that there isn’t some sort of cover up going on, and the more boosters they suggest makes me more skeptical about taking them. We’ve got to get past this allegiance to political parties and realize that it’s the people against corrupt government and politicians.
  8. Thanks. I’m going to check with the dealer tomorrow.
  9. Since the mods are allowing you all to walk the thin line of politics on this subject, I’ll say let’s add this same line of thinking to January 6, 2021 and let’s put a couple thousand short ropes to work.
  10. I already have two, but I’m always looking to add another. The HK MP5/SP5 is my unicorn. I never thought I’d be able to get one in the states. The first one is dead on at 25yards out of the box, I’m currently experimenting with different accessories on it. The second is going to be an SBR. I’m just waiting on the stamp to come in. @KahrManis correct. If you really want one and don’t mind paying a premium, set up a notification on grabagun.com. They have them almost weekly, but they go fast. I missed this one by about thirty minutes on Glock Talk last week. The price was unbelievable.
  11. Why does it take so long from approval to actually receiving the stamp?
  12. Every time you write that I can’t help but thinking about the Austin Powers movie.
  13. Thank you all so much.
  14. He gifted me and his mother his stole after the ceremony for all we’ve done for him. I’m still fighting back tears.
  15. My son graduated with his Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Florida yesterday. Pictured with us is his advisor Mark who has been mentoring my son since he was a young pup in the STEM program at the University of Alabama. Next stop PhD. Roll Tide, Go Gators!
  16. There are simply too many variables to consider before injecting oneself into a potentially deadly situation. What if the guy swinging the machete is a store clerk defending himself against a flash mob? You just walked up and placed yourself in a position of potentially killing an innocent person defending himself. This thread is about changing times and mindsets. A lot of people better start thinking about what Ken said in the video. Good intentions may cost you your life or your freedom.
  17. At the end of day, the dead man was still the victim in THIS situation regardless of his past. I can’t argue with your expertise. I simply hope if I’m gunned down in a similar situation no one brings up the sh*t I did as a teen, in my early twenties or while serving in the army to justify my death. I agree that the three murderers didn’t think about the consequences of their actions. The guy who made the video stopped working on his porch, walked inside his home to retrieve his truck keys to follow the pursuit. He could just as easily called 911, and perhaps he would be enjoying the holidays with his family.
  18. The local prosecutor in this town had pretty much swept this case under the rug. An attorney friend of one of the killers leaked the video. As @Erik88said, without the video these guys would still be at home potentially playing super cop in their neighborhood.
  19. All I know is there are three guys in Georgia who just got convicted of murder while having illusions of being “good samaritans” when they should have minded their business and called the cops. I am not law enforcement. Living in Memphis has taught me to mind my own business. I’ll leave the hero stuff to the cops and people wishing to be killed, jailed and/or financially ruined. I’m middle aged, and don’t want to ruin my comfortable life playing Charles Bronson.


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