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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I agree with this statement, but this punishment is not new. Until people acknowledge the sins behind the founding of this country, the punishment is likely to continue. I have no problem with that. When a country thinks it’s a good idea to hide its history from students, it deserves to be punished. When the original inhabitants of this land are mostly living in third world poverty on reservations, this country needs to be punished. When the majority in this country professes to be Christian, but doesn’t live up to the basic tenet of loving your neighbor like you love yourself, this country deserves to be punished. It’s a cop out to lay the blame for societal failures and people distancing themselves from God on bad parenting. I subscribe to the notion that you can be the best parent in the world, and one of your kids can still be rotten to the core. I would place the blame on people moving away from religion more on the hypocrisy of the Catholic Church and Southern Baptist scandal. https://sbcec.s3.amazonaws.com/FINAL+-+List+of+Alleged+Abusers+-+SBC+REDACTED.pdf Much like our host, I don’t care who likes it or not.
  2. I’m currently watching news reports that say the same. I’m wondering how many here would have risked being shot by the cops to attempt to save just one child. I couldn’t face living if I didn’t at least try.
  3. I’m seeing the same things reported. Cops wouldn’t go in, but also kept parents from attempting to rescue the kids. Things are so jacked up right now. Just got off the phone with my son, and he said he doesn’t want to bring children into this world.
  4. That’s a cute answer, but what about the mentally ill homeless and those without insurance?
  5. What about the assholes who kill people because they don’t like the changing demographics of the country? I have a feeling the murderer in New York was probably raised in a good home. If so, his background didn’t stop him from behaving like a lunatic. You all know that regardless what you put into raising kids, at the end of the day they will make their own decisions. Many times those decisions are based more upon peer pressure than whatever a parent has to say. They forget that we were young once upon a time. I’m shocked by the things my adult kids share with me now, and I treated them like buck privates in the army when it came to school and work. Never any problems that I knew of out of the three of them. Teens and young adults are still trying to figure it out. If they don’t have a positive outlet, they will take the negative route. All the righteous upbringing in the world won’t change that.
  6. I thought this was funny. WARNING LANGUAGE NSFW Sums up the divide with a little humor IMG_2518.MOV
  7. Yep. I’m glad I won’t be needing any gear anytime soon. I can see a body armor ban coming for everyone except police, security and military. Thanks for the great suggestions.
  8. My instagram and Tictok feeds are very simple. Side by sides, soldiers, airplanes and dogs. It’s boring, but it still addictive. I try to limit my exposure to a few minutes. Social media robs you of life and productivity.
  9. I wouldn’t put too much trust in the news or a police report. If I’m on the jury, based upon the information available the homeowner is going to jail. Stay in the house and call the cops.
  10. Who realistically expected something like this to pass even in Tennessee?
  11. No, those are the words of an aging man who is obviously in decline, but heads and shoulders above the racist traitor/insurrectionist that previously held the same office.
  12. I have astigmatism, so I use the affordable Vortex Spitfire AR prism scope on my rifles that don’t have lpvo’s on them.
  13. Nice. I may have to take closer look.
  14. Welcome to TGO. Another P365XL daily carrier here. Enjoy!
  15. I get you. My wife’s high speed every day. If she stops moving, she falls asleep and gets angry. I wouldn’t dare try to change her. Fortunately we both enjoy beaches. It also appears that you enjoy what you do for a living. Outstanding!
  16. That sounds like a HR issue. Who hires a person with no skills for that kind work unless you intend to provide intensive training as it seems your employer did. I’m not knocking having to work hard. The pandemic has shown that we need essential blue collar workers. My point is that things change, and not everyone has to break their back to be successful. Before I retired, I despised that mindset. There’s nothing wrong with giving 100% effort at your job ( that’s the contract that we enter into when we take a job), but insinuating that younger people are less than, because the world has changed and it hasn’t kicked them in the behind like it did some of us doesn’t mean that they aren’t capable producers. One thing about having a trade skill, most of the time the jobs pay well. My point is that some young people want no part of that, and it hasn’t turned them into slackers. I never want my kids to have to pick up anything heavier than a pen at work. I’ve already done the heavy lifting for them. My kids didn’t get off easy. They worked at restaurants, pushed baskets and cleaned toilets at Kroger. Those experiences taught them that they would rather smart as opposed to working hard. So far I’ve produced a journalist, an aspiring professor and a medical coder. I couldn’t be more proud that for the moment they won’t have to break themselves physically to be proven worthy and deserving providers of milk.


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