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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Very weird. Every time a Medicare or AARP commercial comes on television it stings a little.
  2. Links2k


    Prayers for your family.
  3. I’m satisfied with the news I’ve received. Crooks being indicted and going to jail. A guy pleading the 5th who said only criminals and the mob did that. It’s a win, win in my eyes. I’m going to make popcorn and s’mores to eat while the government and “patriots” kill each other. If I survive the crossfire, I plan to help the natives rebuild their country. I don’t have a dog in this fight yet. I figure evil will come for me after it’s done bullying women and gays.
  4. What crap have they performed, and when are you going to set it off or are you waiting on someone else to trip the wire?
  5. Wow! I wonder if the driver was previously involved in the fight, and if he or she Is from Brazil.
  6. I agree. Most that I meet insists they be called by their first names.
  7. I believe you genuinely feel this way, but it’s only your truth. Therefore this isn’t a personal attack on you. It’s easy to dismiss something, someone or idea’s if you don’t completely and fully understand them or if your lifestyle has not and never will fall in line with the subject you don’t care for. I think the term woke is overused. I say it just to make heads explode. For me woke falls into the category of the so-called golden rule we were taught as kids. It’s that simple, yet people resist. Very few communities are more childlike than the gun community. We’ll shyt on just about everything and everyone, but when it comes to our guns, it’s time for civil war. It’s amazing to watch. In general I pay attention to the people who have no empathy. They’re usually the assholes in any group. Even people I disagree with on certain issues, I can usually put myself in their place, understand their reasoning and still disagree based upon my experiences as long as the other person’s desires cause no intentional harm.
  8. Hell, I would have sang “Tuesdays Gone “ with you.
  9. He can’t fix things by himself. There are many decades of issues that need to be addressed to correct the problem. Sadly I don’t believe anyone is willing to put in the work, and things will get worse. I’m taking my woke agenda to infect another red state. It will be funny to hear the residents saying those damned Tennesseans are ruining everything with their liberal agenda. Seriously guys, things are going to continue to deteriorate in this country until we stop being suckers for politicians and corporations. Do you think they wake up angry everyday, b*tch on the internet, get riled up by the news, drink a fifth of whiskey, go to bed, then rinse and repeat? Hell no! They are enjoying all of the things they tell you are being taken from you. Meanwhile you’re a puppet for the machine.
  10. We call it Nonconnahbahn. If you’re driving less than 75mph someone in a Hellcat, Camaro or Mustang is going to pass you and fire off a few warning shots for you to move over. The Infinity drivers are the worst. They crash into you then shoot at you just for sh*ts and giggles.
  11. That’s getting stolen. They’ll be doing donuts in a music video with it. The senseless crime is becoming unbearable.
  12. No one but drug dealers, pimps and whores go to that place. It was definitely a hit. Even though I can’t tell by the pictures, the Draco and AR pistols are the preferred weapon of Memphis trouble makers. The second option is the Glock19 with 30 round mags. It’s tough out here. Can’t ride around with level 3 body armor on every day. When I first started trading guns I would do it in the Bass Pro parking lot because MPD had a camera there. If I’m seen over there now I’ve been taken hostage. Please call for help.
  13. R.I.P We’re getting old. Too many familiar faces passing recently.
  14. Nice build. I consider my Legion P226 SAO my 9mm 1911. GLWS
  15. It sounded like he did. He should have taken the cash and left.
  16. People would abuse the law. I’ll stick with the flawed laws we currently have.
  17. R.I.P.
  18. Beautiful pistol
  19. That sums it up.
  20. Memphians ruin everything. I don’t even go to the Mid South Fair anymore.
  21. I try to stay out of those parts of Memphis unless my wife asks me take her somewhere. I think she’s gets a rush from putting our lives on the line.
  22. Wow! Whatever it takes to protect the innocent.


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