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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Please explain. All of the public testimony has come from TFG staffers, conservatives, family members, cabinet members and people who say that they would vote for TFG again. The only testimony from anyone with no ties to TFG were the two election workers. No democrats testified in the public hearings. I don’t want to argue. I just want to know how we’re being played. What am I not seeing? Thanks!
  2. Now you’re just being negative for fun. People are in a celebrity mood. The things you mentioned are hypothetical situations that did not occur. Let’s take a moment to enjoy the win. If you have ever read any of my prior post over the years, you would have seen that I’ve rarely believed there would be a gun grab. My belief was solidified after Sandy Hook. The republicans needed to keep their base afraid of a gun grab, and the democrats needed people to believe they were coming after the guns. That’s the dog and pony show. Neither side was ever serious about anything but fundraising. The coming weeks will be about pussy hats, school and border security. I’m also willing to bet a coke that Covid makes a big return.
  3. Agreed, with the exception that the Democrats that I’ve heard complaining know that their constituents are not happy with the legislation. They wanted much, much more. The response from the anti gun senators has been “we know it’s not what you wanted, but it’s something “.
  4. The mayor of New York and Laurie Lightfoot mentioned that most of the shootings they are concerned about are small disagreements escalating to the use of guns. I get it, but as mayors, they are going to have to deal with gang problems and low level crime that escalates. Their concerns have nothing to do with law abiding gun owners.
  5. Told y’all nothing was going to happen concerning gun control. Even the bipartisan gun bill before the senate is really nothing when you think about it. I have no problem with making 21 the legal age to purchase a rifle. I don’t like the proposed red flag laws. That’s a law just waiting to be abused. Conservatives have the Supreme Court that they wanted. Robert’s court has consistently shown that it rules in favor of conservative issues. I think the older folks paranoid about the big gun grab can relax for the duration of their lives. Younger individuals are good to go for the foreseeable future. We’re good to go, and the Democrats are happy the SC is letting them off the hook as far as gun control.
  6. It’s already a shyt show. I can’t recall her title, but some female said that they weren’t providing information right now, because the shooter is dead and they need at least six months to investigate. That timeline puts the completion of the investigation after the mid-term elections. They should have a scapegoat by then. Good point about the small team of privates lead by a spec4. They would have cleared the room without breaking a sweat.
  7. I’ll be doing a temporary move soon, and I’m dreading moving my ammo. I think I’m going to pay my nephew to load it up for me. I don’t want the movers to have a clue about my stash. When the wife retires in 3.5 years we’ll be permanently moving to Freedom Land (Florida).
  8. Links2k

    Carry History

    The first gun that I had that wasn’t given to me was a S&W 5906. I then became a Glock fanboy, even though I think the newer M&P pistols are better. I’ve owned or now own a variety of brands, but I’ve stuck with the Sig P365XL since I purchased it.
  9. I get it, but the worrying and panic about something that hasn’t happened doesn’t benefit anyone. Doesn’t the good book say something about worrying? Also, I remind myself that all of these so-called sources of “information” that we get from cable news and content creators are designed to 1. Generate income 2. Keep the masses in a constant state of panic and seeking more “information “ so we will be ready when the bad thing NEVER happens. Awareness is good, but you have to try to turn off the switch sometimes. Your heart and brain need a rest. Y’all have a good day!
  10. Extended period of time is the key here. I’d assume that most on this forum already carry at all times except when sleeping. Walking or driving the property, going to the movies, dinner or the grocery store is not an extended period of time to be on constant alert and sharp. My initial comment wasn’t a knock on anyone. I just know personally that constant hyper vigilance is not healthy. I think @btq96r explained it very well.
  11. So is being in a constant state of fear and alertness. It takes a real toll on the body and mind.
  12. Two very good points, but this is where I put on my tin foil hat. My apologies. It’s a bit long. Our government and corporate interest don’t want an educated populace. They’re fine with doctors, engineers, bankers, IT types and a few others, but they need everyone else grinding hard until they’re at least 72 years old. The powers that be need the undereducated to feed the machine. Take for instance calling SOME of the lowest paid individuals in our economy “essential workers” during a global pandemic so that we could still go to the grocery store and get those magical goods that keep showing up there. Pure genius, and some were happy to perform without additional compensation, because they needed the work. Another thing, I give Memphis credit for the restoration of the riverside, new hotels and housing being built downtown, but that investment is small when compared to the warehouses that NIKE, Amazon and others are building all over Shelby County. There’s not a labor shortage in Memphis, the undereducated know that almost all of the jobs pay the same, so if an employee has one bad day, so long FedEx, hello Amazon. Just bring hands, a strong back and an optional work ethic. Outside of the aforementioned high wage earners and a few others, we should be pushing trade schools to kids not interested in a traditional education. Individuals who attend trade schools seem a bit more motivated than kids getting a liberal arts degree, because mom and dad forced them to attend college. And most of the trade school kids also earn a pretty good living. None of those places are Tn, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, S.C., Florida, Georgia, Texas, Louisiana or Kentucky. I doubt any of those places are as passionate about 2A rights. You’re a wise man.
  13. That’s a car the left doesn’t really want to catch. We’d be taking away Don Quixote’s windmill dragon. The left keeps saying they’re going to restrict gun rights. The right keeps saying the left is coming after our guns. The only thing that actually happens is fund raising going through the roof on both sides. Stop worrying. I can’t stress enough…
  14. Welcome home, and welcome to TGO.
  15. Indigenous peoples should be allowed to live anywhere in this country tax free as long as they can afford it. They should be given reparations, not reservations! I was waiting on the “I wasn’t alive” response. The natives suffer the same negative residual effects as the descendants of slaves. It’s not anyone alive today fault. It is what it is. The thing that’s damning to white, conservative Christians is no one can hear your voices until you feel something personally threatens you. It seems that guns are more important than people to some of you. Look at the b.s. that’s being called CRT. Only a nation embarrassed by its past would limit the availability of its entire history. For example, The 1619 project should be available in all schools. It should make people uncomfortable so it will never be repeated. This country will spend trillions on defense and arming so-called allies, but can’t ensure that veterans, the mentally ill and children are properly housed, fed, are safe in school and have health care. The decline of this country is because it’s people and it’s leaders are hypocrites. Sadly, pride will never allow for Christ like change. America will go down in history on the same level as the Roman Empire if the people don’t change. It wouldn’t be the first time that God has allowed a people he loved to be punished.


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