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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I think regardless who heads the ATF they will never be a friend of gun owners. It’s the nature of the job.
  2. It’s all about trying to curve Chinese expansion in Africa under the guise of fighting terrorist. We can expect more bases, weapons and personnel all over Africa in the near future. Colonization comes with risk and cost. It is what it is.
  3. Put everything back where you found it!!!
  4. That’s beautiful brother.
  5. I agree. Daniel is a good guy. The idea of an adult male wanting to vote him off of TGO is wild.
  6. At the end of the day the guy is a world class d*ck. It’s troubling that I had to both sides something like this with photos. I assure you the families that lost loved ones yesterday could care less about the killer’s political leanings. What difference does it make? What difference would it make if this idiot were the king of socialist? Why can’t we call out all dumb f*cks with guns without checking to see if there is a R or D next to their names prior to gauging how angry we become over mass shootings? ####’s crazy! I don’t have any answers besides leading my family out in fire teams and performing bounding over watch when we go outside of our perimeter (home).
  7. Sounds like a winner.
  8. I’ve never had the experience of moving guns, ammo and safes from one place to another until this past week. We just finished today, and before I do it again I’ll sell damned near everything. It’s a butt kicking.
  9. Seems that most places in Memphis will run you $50 with tics. I’m currently using Arms Fair on Trinity Rd. They now have a dedicated transfer portal next door. I stopped going to Guns and Ammo years ago. The neighborhood is too bad.
  10. He could be mentally ill or he could be just f’n evil. There was a lot of premeditation in his actions. He should be held accountable. I don’t care what side of the political fence he claims. He has no soul. I simply posted the pictures for those who always see the antifa boogeyman to show that there were other pictures out there showing the murderer as a fanboy of TFG. Again, his politics don’t matter, just give him a fair trial and let the chips fall where they may.
  11. What if i’m a person that despises both political parties, want other human beings to be treated fairly and respectfully, likes guns, but has several other interest that keeps me from obsessing over everything gun related on a daily basis? Can I still be here? Also, I don’t think there are any liberals on TGO. They get run off as soon as they give an opinion. The people some of you may think are liberals, I think they are just free thinkers not afraid to be verbally assaulted by a few thousand guys who happen to twisted a little too tight. How boring a life if most people agree on everything. How can you learn anything?
  12. I can definitely see this power being abused. At the same time some people need to relax and enjoy the victory instead of picking it apart. There doesn’t need to be a crisis every day.
  13. Picked this up today. It’s about the size of my P365XL with fiber optic sights, 22 round mags, optics ready and a threaded barrel. I’m going to suppress it with a Dead Air Mask suppressor.
  14. Chucktshoes is correct. If you’d like, I’d be glad to pm you video of TFG saying otherwise on the date in question. If not let’s stay on topic. I just had a good conversation about a hour ago at my lgs about this new legislation.


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