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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I’m with you. I have never lost a gun, and I won’t start now. The house and senate Democrats and Republicans are a bunch of children doing tit for tat. Their actions have nothing to do with serving the people. We are a country run by the elite and lobbyists for the one percent regardless of party.
  2. Hell, this move even surprised me. I thought if they didn’t enact gun control after Sandy Hook it would never be enacted. To borrow from one of our other members … Watching Links
  3. Links2k

    Oh Shoot?

    All good news. Thanks!
  4. Links2k

    Oh Shoot?

    Anyone seen or heard from @Oh Shootlately?
  5. Why start now? They should have been doing that for decades.
  6. I found this little gem. I knew it was a little weird the way it was initially posted. People who will never match V.P. Harris’s achievements hate her because of her achievements. Before you say that I could never match TFG’s achievements, I’ll bet you that I could bankrupt several businesses, casinos, a steak company and an airline with the best of them. Hell, I’d even take cash from Russia so I could start new businesses just so I could run them into the ground. Finally, me and one of my grubby looking buddies would ask our friends for money to build a beautiful wall, then we’d pocket all of the cash. Too bad for my buddy, because my psychic network tells me he’s going to get arrested by the feds while out sailing.
  7. How is that? She’s been no more noticeable or controversial than the last three Vice Presidents. Also, none of the others have had their boss publicly state that it was ok to hang them besides Pence. They were on Amazon. I purchased a couple last night. Anything to raise the blood pressure of people who thinks a certain political party gives a crap about them. I’ll add them to my insurrection memorabilia.
  8. R.I.P. He was still fairly young in my opinion.
  9. I’m with ya. That was weird, but funny.
  10. I didn’t say anything about dreaming of his demise. I said he is funny to watch and listen to. He’s hilarious. I can’t watch that garbage. I don’t know if you’ve watched the hearings. I seriously doubt you have. It’s definitely one sided. All but two witnesses have worked in TFG ‘s administration, are republicans, voted for TFG and stated that they would vote for him again. They also know that what happened on that day was against the law. The cops that willingly let the rioters in will eventually answer for their crimes.
  11. TDS is real, but I love watching the guy at his televised rallies. Two shots of Glenlivet 15yo and I’m laughing for hours. Comedy at its finest.
  12. You left out Mark Meadows cell phone, compromised SS agents, Ginni Thomas, sedition, negligence by TFG to order the securing of the capital, saying his (TFG) VP deserved to be hanged, Clarence Thomas tainting the Supreme Court and so much more. F*ck Hunter Biden and DJT Jr. They’re both drug addicts and a total embarrassment to anyone who cares about them. Lastly, the best part about being retired, middle aged, financially comfortable and having no dependents is that I’ve been able to keep informed about the fall of the republic and not care enough to be stressed at the same time. What’s that saying about a tree needing to be watered every two hundred and fifty years?sarcasm
  13. We’re all entitled to our opinion. Evil old men don’t realize they’re creating a toxic environment for their grandchildren to exist in down the road. Also, I’m not a fan of the current president, but I would have literally voted for a real orange before voting for TFG.
  14. I’d rather pay $10.00 per gallon than have the leader of the free turn this country into a banana republic. People don’t even attempt to be civil anymore.
  15. I heard it was a G17. His girlfriend is also a bad ass. She used her jacket to make a tourniquet on the leg of one of the injured.
  16. Correct. The only difference is the wait in line is much, much longer.
  17. You can also make an appointment online at your DMV, then stroll past the mile long line like a boss.
  18. I agree with this portion of your statement, especially concerning the media. All of these mass shootings has pushed the twenty four coverage of Ukraine to the back burner. My opinion on the general public is that most anti gunners are simply afraid of guns. Despite the gun violence in the black community, most black people I know don’t own or want guns.
  19. My wife and I got our real I.d. early during the pandemic at the Oakland DMV. We needed four or five different items to verify our identification. I’m glad we got it out of the way. We have passports, TSA pre check and military I.d., but we didn’t want to get caught up in the hoard waiting until the last minute to get our little yellow star.


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