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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. No one but drug dealers, pimps and whores go to that place. It was definitely a hit. Even though I can’t tell by the pictures, the Draco and AR pistols are the preferred weapon of Memphis trouble makers. The second option is the Glock19 with 30 round mags. It’s tough out here. Can’t ride around with level 3 body armor on every day. When I first started trading guns I would do it in the Bass Pro parking lot because MPD had a camera there. If I’m seen over there now I’ve been taken hostage. Please call for help.
  2. R.I.P We’re getting old. Too many familiar faces passing recently.
  3. Nice build. I consider my Legion P226 SAO my 9mm 1911. GLWS
  4. It sounded like he did. He should have taken the cash and left.
  5. People would abuse the law. I’ll stick with the flawed laws we currently have.
  6. Memphians ruin everything. I don’t even go to the Mid South Fair anymore.
  7. I try to stay out of those parts of Memphis unless my wife asks me take her somewhere. I think she’s gets a rush from putting our lives on the line.
  8. Wow! Whatever it takes to protect the innocent.
  9. Everyone who follows politics knows that Desantis is just as bad as TFG. That’s more of a Republican problem. Just like the dems are filled with loons, so are the republicans. I don’t know why people keep having any expectations from any of them.
  10. Sad to hear. One of the network channels has a show called Who Do You Believe, and Ms. Nichols was recently featured in a financial dispute between her son and her friend/manager. It was sad to see. She deserved better.
  11. I have purchased and sold several Baer pistols. I finally decided to hold on to one so my son can inherit an awesome 1911.
  12. You have no idea how important that was to so many of your fellow Americans. What comes next is we just keep putting one boot in front of the other.
  13. I don’t think anything can help the dems at this point. 2020 was all about getting rid of the tweets.
  14. Covid and other made up age related illnesses may cause him to step down. That’s just my tin foil hat thinking. I’ve believed this since Joe chose Mrs. Harris to run with him. Combined with terrible poll numbers and losing millennials and minorities the dems can’t afford to keep Joe around, especially in 2024.
  15. I’m very serious about this. I won’t break the rules to explain my reasoning for this belief, but the conditions are right for the dems to make this change or get massacred in 2022 & 2024.
  16. Naw, just part of the plan to make Mrs. Harris president.


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