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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Yep! America, Israel, our other allies and people we hate but give billions of dollars to because they also hate our enemies.
  2. I left out the Polynesians, Mayans, Jamaicans and others. Your point is valid and I agree with you. I’m talking to the folks behaving like the royal family are the prototype for Disney movies. Their shyt does stink.
  3. Or ignoring history Did the British and other colonizers not ravage the people and countries in Africa, Scotland, Asia, Ireland, and Australia?
  4. History my guy. I know it’s not popular anymore, but the British empire and others like Leopold II raped the people and the continent of Africa of its natural resources. This theft continues today by China, America and others. France has been one of the few countries to repatriate stolen artifacts. I know it’s not taught in school, but the British empire that Elizabeth inherited was brutal, and remained that way for most of her rule. Do some google. I’ve been explaining this to people all day. I’m tired. I will admit that I love to watch their weddings, funerals and parades. It’s a thing of beauty. I might add, just like in this country, people don’t forget about you being evil because you’re forced to stop being evil.
  5. Closer to home, Ireland where they chanted Lizzies in a box at a soccer match, some Australians and most of the continent of Africa. Again, the colonization wasn’t Elizabeth’s fault. It was inherited at a young age, and was continually dismantled during her reign. It was only a few weeks ago that another African country announced that it no longer wanted to be under the crown.
  6. I got the details from my niece about the IRS incident. This is just her account. She says it’s a cover up. There was a gun man in the building pointing a gun at people. There were no shots fired and the building was evacuated. Those who couldn’t evacuate hid. See said their security is made up of rent a cops ( I thought they had federal officers) and they were running around waving guns at every one, then MPD showed up with rifles waving them at every (probably because of the previous night’s events). She said there were no announcements over the intercom, just people yelling for others to run. Everyone is traumatized, and lots of people not reporting to work.
  7. Now they’re saying it was a hoax, but the damage has been done. The entire city is on edge.
  8. My niece and daughter share a house in Olive Branch. My niece works at the IRS. She made it out safely, but she’s freaking out. I’ve been carrying a pistol, but now I think it’s time to start carrying the .300BO.
  9. Yeah Kates so special that William cheated on her with a family friend, and let said friend probe him anally with a dildo. Small price to pay for the queen in waiting. I also liked the way that she carried herself, but she was the face colonization, even if she didn’t make the rules. A large part of the world is celebrating today.
  10. It only takes one bad decision or mistake to become property of a for profit prison. The states and counties are financially incentivized to keep those prisons full. Some people caught up in this racket probably shouldn’t be in prison.
  11. In the two videos I saw he also had a modified Glock firing automatic out of the car window. Evidently while he was going live on Facebook someone said it was fake. He was angry and fired a few more rounds out of the window, turned around and went into Autozone and shot the second man.
  12. You can’t upset Kate with brown Diana around. I like the royals from the perspective of history. As people, they are just ####ty people who continue to fleece their country.
  13. I saw the video of him shooting the man in Autozone. Things like this only matter if you or someone you know has been caught up in a legal system that feeds a for profit prison system. The guy just took office. How do you know so much about his future actions? Man this is some bullshyt. It’s not about gangster, thug life. As Chucktshoes mentioned, this is a socioeconomic issue. Y’all don’t scream that gangster shyt when a white boy kills people. Those white people are suffering the same issues that causes crime in other neighborhoods. The problem will never be fixed, because too many people think the couple thousand dollars they pay in taxes makes the world go round, and God forbid the taxes helps someone.
  14. Prepping is a good idea for anyone, but in the long run it’s futile unless you’re going to take to the ocean. Long term, supplies and ammo will dwindle giving invaders more opportunity to overrun your compound and take what little you have left. There aren’t going to be any winners in a global collapse.
  15. I agree. The main reason Weirich is out of a job in Shelby County is her handling of juvenile offenders. Looks like she landed on her feet. Already has another sweet gig.
  16. This piece of sh*t has been evil his entire life. My heart truly hurts for the victim’s family and all the terrified women in the city of Memphis. One thing I love about living in the county the sheriffs department is always highly visible and often times invisible to deter crime.
  17. I’ve never been in trouble with the law. I would hope that if I ever had a first offense that was non-violent I wouldn’t be put away for the rest of my life.
  18. Doubt if he can make that bond. Even ten percent of it.
  19. He should have never been released. I think the pressure from her family and their connections will force him to pursue the death penalty.


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