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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Accepting reasonable offers on .22 and .380 ammo
  2. Ladies, gentlemen and queers, this is not a fire sale. I’m not desperate for the money. I priced these items extremely generous. Please don’t contact me to insult me. If you can do better on the prices with the freebies I’m offering by all means purchase them elsewhere. My feedback will verify that my prices are always TGO friendly, and I almost always throw in extras for free. If this stuff doesn’t sell I’ll knock your head off on the prices during the next crisis. Lastly if you have questionable feedback, especially from a moderator don’t get you panties in a wad when I tell you there will be no refunds for accommodating your “special” request.
  3. These people are nuts, attention wh*res or both.
  4. Ammo is packaged in original packaging. All ammo has been keep in sealed ammo cans with desiccant and indoors in a climate controlled room. Thanks for looking! Must meet at The Butcher Shop Steakhouse on Germantown Parkway Cash, PayPal, Zelle or Cashapp NO TRADES OR SHIPPING PLEASE Aguila 40gr Super Extra - 20 boxes Aguila 30gr Super Maximum- 1 box Federal 40gr Auto Match box of 325 rounds $250 for all
  5. It is what it is. This is something we cannot change. The major oil companies held the line and made record profits. As usual some of you are angry at the wrong person. If you’re really angry, stop buying gas. Capitalism baby!
  6. My wife drives a Toyota Highlander. It’s been trouble free for years with regular maintenance. Every time we take it in for service at Wolfchase Toyota they offer to buy it. She’s a line dancing road warrior, so her vehicle has to be reliable. Good luck with your search.
  7. Wakanda Forever! I’m also going with fox
  8. Overlooked pass interference in the end zone was a big difference maker. My son did his undergrad at Bama, and now attends Florida. He hates Florida even though he was a recruiting assistant and friend under Napier at Bama. I told him about how Spurrier had the entire state of Tennessee hating him and UF. Somehow no one ever told him about the visor and how he tormented UT.
  9. I was sixteen. How did you know about that? I remember tearing my shirt off like Jerry Lawler before I broke his nose. Sorry about your nose Mark. Like I told someone the other day, it’s all good until it happens to you or someone you know. I see why this country is f*cked. The response to nearly every issue is “well what about?”. Ya’ll have fun mourning the colonizer, and I’ll enjoy the funeral. I’m certain it will be beautifully impressive.


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