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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I have carried close to 20yrs and I am happy to say that I have had no incidents.
  2. Look at the glock26 9mm
  3. I sure hate that Brighton Arms is closed. I enjoyed shooting my rifle up there. I guess I will purchase an ar15/22 so I can shoot at Range USA. I will also stack my pennies so that I can get a membership at mssa(?). I know that I will be able to shoot everything there.
  4. Has this range in Brighton closed? I have not been able to get them on the phone or find their site on the web lately. Thanks for any info.
  5. Looking for .223 ammo in bulk if available. I will settle for idividual boxes if I must. Thanks for all info. I would like it to be American made also. Sorry for being so picky. Have a great day.
  6. Links2k


    Thanks to everyone...been in touch with brighton arms. I think that will be my spot. Range USA is closer, but they have suspended their AR night.
  7. Links2k


    hello everyone..I am new to forums. I recently got a new ar15 for christmas and I would like to know is there anywhere near Memphis I can can go and shoot this black beauty? I have seen the MSSA info and I am hoping that I don't have to drop off $700 up front just to shoot this thing. Does Shelby forest have a rifle range? Thanks in advance for any info. I am willing to drive up to an hour to find somewhere to zero and practice.


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