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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. It's true. I was watching a t.v. show earlier and they were talking about this impending train wreck. The parent that buys that crap for their daughter needs to be beaten in the public square.
  2. I am only a basic member, but I did renew my membership last month.
  3. I really enjoy my g26, but I find that Desantis Nemesis prints like a big wallet in my front pocket.
  4. Links2k

    S&W M&P 15-22

    Any idea where I can get my barrel threaded in W. Tn?
  5. Links2k

    S&W M&P 15-22

    +1 On the M&P 22. I like mine alot.
  6. Links2k

    Just got a Glock 26

    Someone beat me to the punch, but I will say it anyway. Shame on you! Don't you fell like a thief? Seriously, I own the g19,g26, and g36 and I could not be happier. I can grab any of the three and have absolute confidence in their reliability.
  7. Crime can happen anywhere. If we were confident in our safety in our own communities most of us would not own so many guns. Back to the post. If I were one of those officers there is no way that I don't return fire. I would like to sound noble and all, but my wife and kids would hate my corpse if I died without fighting back. That kid in the car might not have made it. I am not lying in a ditch pretending to be dead while a drug dealer decides my fate.
  8. AR style .308 and a really nice 1911
  9. I am looking for a new dealer. I know nobody owes me anything, but I have purchased (6) weapons from a local dealer in Memphis over the last year and the arrogant corksuckers won't give me a discount on anything. That's fine, but then I hear one of the guys laughing with another customer about the discount that the customer had just received. I had previously purchased (3) other guns from these clowns for a total of (9) and still no discount...not even a battery for a weapons light. I will purchase my guns from almost any dealer from now on since I am already paying top dollar. The only thing for certain is the money won't be spent with these guys again.
  10. Chris Peterson from Boise State or Mike Leach. The Vols are going to need a creative coach with the terrible recruiting season they will face.
  11. I say call Johnny Majors. Nothing like three yards and a cloud of dust.
  12. Now you guys know how Memphis fans felt last year when that Corksucker Calipari screwed Memphis Basketball fans. Kiffin is a punk piece of .
  13. I have the Mossberg SPX...7+1 capacity. Good looking dog Krull.
  14. Where did you find the Critical Defense ammo locally and what was the price if you don't mind my asking? I have used speer and I am currently using Golden Sabre. I would like to try the CD if I can find it at a good price in Memphis.
  15. Where can I find this holster? I already own a Desantis, but I am always looking for something new.
  16. Links2k

    M&P .45

    I own the fs M&P 45 and the fs M&P 9mm. I like both. I carry the 9mm with CTC lasergrip during the winter and the glock 19 or glock 26 in the spring/summer. The .45 is a good weapon. I would love to have 1911 in the collection.
  17. I will not buy from them again. I am still pissed about the $24 pmags last year.
  18. Links2k


    I own the g19, g26, and g36. They are all very good weapons, but the g19 is my favorite. It is a pure shooter.


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