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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I’m hearing local law enforcement is preparing for unrest after the video is released next week. It can probably be avoided if charges are filled prior to the video release. Secondly, I understand the need for the Scorpion unit, but car jackers disguised as cops are a regular occurrence in Memphis. Young people I’ve discussed this with are more likely to run if it’s an unmarked car or keep driving while calling 911 to ask for a marked car. Both actions that may protect one from car jackers, but will definitely piss the undercover cops off. It’s a bad situation. If those cops did what they are suspected of doing, I’d like to see them buried under the prison. This statement applies to any large city. Bad elements are more mobile than ever. Use to be our local criminals would mostly avoided the suburbs because of the high visibility of law enforcement. Now the criminals follow the easy opportunities regardless of the area. I’m scouring the country now looking for somewhere near a beach to safely settle down. I’m tired of being hyper vigilant just going out to dinner. These f’n kids today don’t care about anything. I never imagined I’d be saying those words. I’m getting old. Apparently he was beaten an tased while restrained. He arrived at the hospital in really bad shape and was unconscious and on dialysis when he died.
  2. It’s all about Congress and the courts. Breath easy ladies and gentlemen.
  3. I agree that liberals and crazy extreme right conservatives should both be able to own machine guns to defend themselves and I’m sober.
  4. The same thing will happen if they attempt to ban braces.
  5. My apologies for the long post. I think things are going just as they were designed. I don’t blame immigrants for still flocking to this country and I don’t blame the president for oil companies not using the already approved and available leases for oil. I see a country that only functions if it has an angry, divided and mostly poor working class. Neglected infrastructure, stagnant wages and an undereducated populace contribute to the success of this model. Don’t take this the wrong way, but this country has never been great. Compared to most countries, America is exceptional, but never great. I say America has never been great based upon the fact that every generation of Americans has had to deal with its own set of difficulties and no generation has existed without circumstances that one could look at and not say “this is the end of us.” Most people in this country proclaim themselves to be Christians, but the negativity combined with the doom and gloom from most people doesn’t bare witness to that claim. I’m a believer, and based upon my experiences, the good, the bad, everything happens for a reason and when it’s supposed to. This is our season. We can accept what is and move forward positively reflecting the behavior of the savior or we can wallow in negativity and what is will still occur. Based upon inflation, that’s my $2.69.
  6. It’s a daily habit. TGO is a unique space on the Internet.
  7. Rolling blackouts are to our on the western side up to 30 minutes twice a day
  8. I’ve also heard that internet rumor. He can’t be that stupid. He’s under too much scrutiny.
  9. He’s reportedly sold out and made four point five million in the process. Good for him. Amazed at the suckers. Especially considering he was a year late to the game. He knows his base.
  10. Limited quantities only $99.00 Get them while they’re hot
  11. I can’t speak for the IRS’s intentions, but I would assume that most of their new hires are actually going to be working tax related issues. I’m still waiting on resolution of a 2020 tax issue. I filed and paid 2021 online to put the headache behind me. I wouldn’t read too much into the IRS supposedly arming their agents. With the exception of the bump stop, how many of these scare tactic internet rumors have been true over the last fifteen years?
  12. I don’t expect anything long term to come of this. I could be wrong. It wouldn’t be the first time. The cost of litigation or the cost millions of free tax stamps or the cost of jailing those who don’t comply is simply something the budget wouldn’t allow. That being said, I do fully expect the ATF to implement some rule change concerning braces before the end of the year, but I believe it will be rescinded before the April 2023 amnesty period ends. This opinion is worth what you paid for it. Good evening!
  13. I’ve wanted to try msfs for several years, and I’ve finally taken the leap. It seems that it’s going to be challenging, but fun. I have two hardware setups for my HP Omen pc. One for msfs (Turtle Beach Velocity One) and one for DCS (Thrustmaster T Flight Full Kit X) . I also have a HP Reverb G2 V2 that should be here tomorrow for VR sims. What’s your setup? What advice would you offer to a noob getting into flight sims? Thanks!
  14. This was trending on Twitter yesterday. People are really excited about the movie.


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