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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. The shrimp po boy, the Haitians, the LA accents threw me off and the acting was really bad. That show had no Memphis flavor. We eat BBQ in Memphis and lots of it.
  2. I was wondering the same thing.....THAT SHOW SUCKED BIG TIME!
  3. The only issue that I know of with the C models is that they are louder when shooting, but in any case GLOCKS ROCK!
  4. After you join you need to head on down to Home Depot and buy a new mailbox for all the crap that's going to start showing up. I like the magazine. Still waiting on that knife that they promised me when I renewed back in January. They are better than nothing.
  5. Who wants to survive long term without cable and computers while living on the land? I've gotten old and soft. I saw that show also about how the world govts have stored all of those seeds in the mountains.
  6. How many rounds of CD have you shot and what did you shoot it in?
  7. Links2k

    Glock 28

    I did not say that I wanted one. I was just curious about the glock 380. I love my g19 and regret selling my g26. I will be getting another g26 asap.
  8. x400 looks interesting...my x300 is still good to go, so it will be a while before I get one
  9. Links2k

    Glock 28

    Does anyone own one? What are your likes/dislikes? Thanks.
  10. I have had the AR15 bcg book marked for a while, but I have yet to seriously look into it. It may be something that I want for my M&P15T.
  11. Wow! I thought that I was the only person addicted to the g19. G19 gen3:rock: Les Baer TRS hard chromed 1911:drool:
  12. You did the right thing. I would bet that they came back later.
  13. Using some to the logic that I have heard lately Obama and the govt should stay out of this and let the individual states handle their own crisis. You guys must make up your minds. I thinks all politicians suck, but I see too much flip flopping on what you guys want/ don't want from your govt. The govt is going to be involved or not. It's like you are at Burger King trying to pick and choose condiments. When we have a crisis in Tn I hope that we can all come thru it with a supply of stored guns, beans and bullets.
  14. If some of you guys want me to I will come and throw a bunch of crap in your back yards for a few months. Then I will decide if I am responsible for it. If/when I admit guilt I will decide how/when I clean it up, and how much I will spend to do it. Please do not report me to the authorities, because it's nobody elses business. Don't complain about the sh&t hole that I have created in your yard. I will make things right if/when I am forced to. Exercise some patience with me, because I am the victim. I have other things to do. I want my life back. Make BP pay! It has nothing to do with their profits. It is the right thing to do.
  15. My point is who cares if they go broke as long as they fix/clean up their mess. I don't want the taxpayer paying a penny to fix this crap. I am saying that the 20B down payment to clean the gulf and cap that well will not harm them. I am saying that I do not believe in TOO big to fail. I am saying that other oil companies will pick up the slack. I am not worried about oil prices, because the recent pass has shown that speculators will determine the price of oil/gas. I have more concern about the American public that is losing its ass in the gulf right now. I do not care what happens to a multi-national oil company that has changed American lives for perhaps decades.
  16. 20B is less than BP made in profit last quarter. They are far from going broke.
  17. I saw CD tested on one of the gun shows on television. The rounds consistantly expanded the same no matter what material that they were shot thru. Impressive!
  18. It's crazy how you people believe that one group is better than the other. The politicians convince you to take care of yourself (which is a good thing) while they (politicians) take care of each other. BP should pay until they bleed! If that spill had happened in Tn we would not care who stopped it. We would just want it stopped and we would want the owner of the well to make things right.
  19. Very fun rifle. I sold mine to a fellow member, but I plan to replace it in August for my birthday if I don't get the fever to replace the g26 that I sold.
  20. well said...the other options make you look a cowboy or a wannabe super hero


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