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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I live in unincorporated Shelby County and work downtown and I always carry. I had glanced at this thread but never read it. Well after bypassing this thread because I NEVER leave home without my wallet (id/permit)....I left home without my permit. I was looking for my wallet because I was going to stop at a fast food joint on the way to work when I realized that I did not have my wallet. I exit 240 on third and have to drive thru that neighborhood by Neelys so a gun is a must for me. I am always glad that there seems to be a good police presence on this stretch of road. Not today. When I notice that I do not have my permit I freak because I am carrying concealed with one in the chamber and I do not want to be stopped by the police. Murphy being what it is the very first cop that passes me going in the opposite direction turns on his lights and swings a u-turn behind me. Now, I start sweatting. I do not want to explain why I am carrying concealed in Memphis without a permit. This would not be good. I always get the officer having a bad day for some reason (I am not an ass...as a former MP I know to always be polite to officers). The officer does not stop me and turns down a side street. Whew. When I get to work I remove the chambered round, magazine, slide and put them in the trunk and the frame in my car safe. I was naked (unarmed) on the way home that night and was conflicted on which would be worse driving around unarmed or getting stopped by MPD with carrying with no id.
  2. You are the salesman that I would like to deal with.
  3. "I don't like insert your guns brand here because I shoot insert his guns brand here. Helping me is giving me info on the gun/guns that I inquire about. If the salesperson gives me advice about his gun I only want it to be for comparisons sake not because he hates the brand that I carry.
  4. A little too weird for me. Enjoy.
  5. Not E. Tn, but Range USA in Memphis is having a class on the 25th. I intend to get certified then.
  6. The 15T rocks. No issues. I hope that you get your issue resolved.
  7. +1 We have enough bad vibes around here. Negative types need to stay out of Memphis. Memphis and other large cities will overwhelm you if you never get out off Hooterville.
  8. owb, iwb and pocket holster depending on my task
  9. Who would "they" be? Muslims, tourist or Bass Pro Shops? Just curious.
  10. I was wondering the same thing. That is a lot of free time. Must be nice. I'm jealous.
  11. I don't believe that church has to be a part of a relationship with God. I don't believe that you are going to hell if you don't bust down the doors every sunday. Besides I work on sundays.
  12. +1 A big local church comes to mind, but it could be any church.
  13. Links2k

    Dad Life

    +1 video did make me smile
  14. All I know is that if you lived in nutbush most of your life you must be one tough mf'er. I lived around that area as a kid.
  15. I'll bet the indians are really regretting allowing that first church right about now.
  16. I am not going to debate either. I just want to say that you can never have enough stupid hillbilles.
  17. Off sunday, monday and tuesday. Grilled out on sunday, relaxing today, hoping to go to the range tomorrow after taking my daughter to see Eclipse.
  18. This is true, but I must say that the grips are not as aggressive as some would have you to believe or as I stated before I have some really tough hands.
  19. I miss that feature also. I hope that David brings it back.
  20. Yes, that is the TRP. I have heard that some people have problems with the grips. I must have really rough hands, because I never notice the aggressive panels or the strippling. I am too busy enjoying how well the gun shoots to notice.


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