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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I also noticed this. In video #4 after the cops had retrieved Nichol’s wallet at the 15:01 mark someone gives the lieutenant Nichol’s ID and states “he ain’t got no charges.” I know it’s procedure to run a check, but it seems they were hoping to find something in his past they could use against him. Also, it’s being reported this morning that the cops went to Nichol’s home and told his mother that he had been involved in a DUI, was injured, hospitalized and would be booked after release, therefore she wouldn’t be able to see him. The photo of Nichol’s lying in the hospital bed was reportedly provided to his family. Sheriff Bonner claims he didn’t see the video until last night, and Chief Davis never told him two of his deputies were on scene. This whole thing stinks! Davis may be unemployed in the very near future. As Crump said, this case is a blueprint for how these situations should be handled in the future. Get the information out fast if there is proof of wrongdoing. If a mayor doesn’t want riots and their cities destroyed, don’t hide the videos and the the names of the perpetrators for seven months leaving people to question your motives. The initial transparency did a lot to save Memphis.
  2. On the 4th video the one guy lies and states Nichols came out of his vehicle swinging. He was jerked out at gun point.
  3. Nichols family attorney Romanocci is currently giving a press conference and requesting that all the special units be disbanded, stating that they are oppressive terrorist units.
  4. The unit was formed in 2021 and it was one of Davis’s initiatives aimed at gangs, street racing and violent gang crime in high crime areas of the city.
  5. Another housewife joining in. Since we’re discussing rumors, I’ll join in. For the past week there have been rumors that the deceased was romantically involved with one of the former officer’s lady friends. No proof of this, and none of the former cops are married. There is also rumor that these are the same cops who robbed an individual at a Poplar Ave hotel recently. No proof of that. Lastly there is a local news story where a gentleman has photos of the unit (same guys) after they accosted him a few days prior to the death of Nichols at a gas station on Ridgeway and Quince looking for a pound of dope. The individual was a passenger in a vehicle and had exited the vehicle to go across the street to pick up a pizza while the driver purchased fuel. The individual claims in the news story that he was released after stating he didn’t have drugs and wanted to contact his lawyer. The cops stated to the individual there was no reason to get lawyers involved, and said they were joking about the drugs, then released the individual. A complaint was filed with IAD twice and garnered zero response. As for the reckless driving. Chief Davis just did a live interview stating that the police department looked at multiple nearby traffic cams, pole cams, business cams and body cams and could find no evidence that Nichols was involved in reckless driving or driving on the wrong side of the road. Hence the chief saying the things she said about the behavior of her officers. The chief said the video would be released at 6pm on YouTube and memphistn.gov. The video will be about a hour long with footage from 3-4 cameras. Video will be from body cams, pole cam and dash cams. The video will show the officers initial contact with Nichols at a 10 on a scale of 1-10. There will be tasers and oc spray deployed and poor attempts to handcuff Nichols by several individuals. The video will show the second contact very clearly via pole cam that was brutality violent that lead to Nichols injuries. The video will show Nichols asking “what did I do” and saying something about his mother. The video will also show the cops attempting to sit Nichols up a couple of times, then slumping over and mumbling. Lastly, the video will show lapses in time of the cops failing to render or call for aid and first responders delaying aid and milling about upon their arrival. The chief said the only thing s redacted from the the video are license tags of nearby vehicles and some individuals. There are several fire and pd employees currently under investigation. So the former cops weren’t thrown under the bus. The city, county and police department were being transparent as they promised the citizens of Shelby County they would be when they put Davis in charge. Some people think the three weeks for charges was too slow and others believe the charges were abnormally fast. I’m the latter, but I believe it’s a good thing. At the end of the day, no traffic stop should end in this manner. As far as riots, I expect more of the agitators will be outsiders and the usual local unruly violators. Most Memphians are very vocal about wanting to peacefully protest, but not wanting to tear up the city. We will see.
  6. Yeah, he only weighed 140lbs. He looks almost twice that lying there with an s shaped nose and dent in his forehead.
  7. Agreed. I truly hope cooler heads prevail.
  8. He was pulled over for reckless driving and the situation escalated quickly. The police chief said in a Facebook video that other officers are under investigation, but their involvement is less egregious. ‘It’s the lead story on some cable networks. They’re reporting that police chiefs across the country are preparing for unrest.
  9. Looks like the video is going to be very bad. The former officers have been indicted and jailed. Pastors as well as local and federal politicians are calling for peaceful protest and begging for calm after the video release. Second degree murder, aggravated assault, aggravated kidnapping, official misconduct and official oppression are the charges.
  10. Yeah, I’m tracking you. I never responded to any of your post, because I already had you pegged based upon your interactions with other members. I took your advice and googled the term. You’re correct, I had never heard it before. I guess I don’t associate with the same type of people you do. You are the company you keep. Stay classy!
  11. So you have no facts or proof about this phenomenon? Just something that one would expect biased cops and prosecutors to say, and you believe it. GOTCHA! I was very interested in reading about it.
  12. Plain clothes members of the Scorpion Unit in unmarked cars. Similar to Jack Owens old Jump and Grab Unit. Yep, CJ will be out soon. She was a terrible hire. I’d like to have Tony back, but he’s sitting pretty after retirement and working privately.
  13. I wanted to share this last weekend, but chose no to. Rumors are a dime a dozen, but last Friday I was drawn into watching a local broadcaster’s YouTube show where he said he would be sharing something shocking concerning this case. The guy is controversial locally, but I check him out every time something big occurs in Memphis. He’s paid for sources or snitches for years and developed friendships all over city and county governments. That being said, he’s still not everyone’s cup of tea, but his leaks mostly turn out to be reliable. Anyway, last Friday he showed two grainy photos of what he claimed to be the young man already deceased while on the ground and on a gurney. Further placing the accounts of the incident into question, the young man’s mother claims that he was already dead when she got to the hospital and the police waited days before announcing the death. The last rumors circulating today are about two EMTs from Station 55 being suspended regarding this case, as well as a shift supervisor and several other officers being suspended related to this case. Once again, this is just hood news. It’s worth what you paid for it. It will be very interesting to see the video, follow the investigation and potential trials. This was posted by the individual today. We’ll see in the coming weeks how reliable this information is.
  14. We’ve both been on TGO for many years, and I’ve recounted several stories of my life here. There is nothing that I’ve shared that was imagined or false. Thank God you will never know the feelings I’ve expressed or experienced. It’s not as easy as cooperating. How many times have you heard law enforcement yelling for an individual to calm down while experiencing a traumatic experience? Some people can’t overcome the fear of the situation. If everything you’ve seen, heard or experienced tells you that an interaction with a cop will go south, you are currently experiencing your worst nightmare. You are correct, I would never escalate a situation or run from a cop, but that’s only because I’ve had the experience of being on the other side. Most in society don’t have that benefit.
  15. In both of the sh*tty jobs I had in my youth that involved placing handcuffs on people, there was always a huge emphasis placed on deescalation. I don’t understand why the so called law enforcement officers of today can’t comprehend this simple skill. Very good point @Chucktshoes. I’m terrified of getting pulled over, because I’m immediately at the mercy of someone’s insecurities when they see a huge black man. A fear many will never understand.
  16. My understanding is the city started preparing for unrest last weekend. I expect some of those out of town characters who visited Atlanta over the weekend to show up.
  17. I just watched Ben Crump’s press conference concerning the murder of Tyre Nichols. Describing what they saw on the video there was a three minute beating that was initiated two minutes from Nichols home and ended 80-100 yards from Nichols home. Nichols was reportedly attempting to run to his home. Nichols repeatedly asked “what did I do” and called for his mother. A local attorney, like many other Memphians questioned “why did all of these plain clothes officers in unmarked cars conduct a traffic stop.” The beating was described as worse than Rodney King and violent by both attorneys and the former officers failed to render aid. Attorneys stated that Nichols was used as a human piñata, he was defenseless and an unadulterated nonstop three minute beating. Ben Crump mentioned all of the former officers being black. “If they saw Tyre as a brother, they wouldn’t have done him like that.” Crump also started a chant of “WE WILL SEE WHAT THEY DID TO TYRE.” From all accounts he was a good kid with no reported criminal record. Nichols lived with his parents, worked at FedEx with his dad, had lots of friends and was heavily involved in photography and skateboarding. The family requested only peaceful protest if anyone wanted protest after seeing the video. The DA said the video would be released within one to two weeks. Community members in the the audience were outraged. Crump told the audience “If the video wasn’t released in two weeks, y’all do what y’all gotta do.”
  18. You may be underestimating the dislike of police regardless of color. I just want this mess over before it gets warm outside.
  19. IMO the city and MPD drug their feet on this incident. The local news reported the story shortly after it happened. The next day the deceased family was raising hell that he had been put in the hospital with serious injuries. Three days later the young man dies. The DA rightfully referred the investigation to TBI. Days later police announced that they would be holding an administrative hearing the following week, which was held on Friday. The incident was discussed on national news earlier in the week. The feds got involved. The entire time people are already suspecting an attempted cover up. If the city and the cops wanted to avoid suspicion, they should have immediately released the video and suspended the officers pending investigation. They allowed rumors about misconduct/cover up to grow wings.
  20. The SP5 pistol is imported without a brace. If one wanted to SBR the SP5 they could easily bring it into 922r compliance by switching out five parts. I own two. One is a registered SBR with a Lee Sporting complete AR style trigger group featuring a Geissele trigger and the other will remain a pistol without a brace as it was imported.
  21. Once Ben Crump signed on with the family, that told me everything I needed to know about the seriousness of this case. Dude is a world class ambulance chaser, and he only signs on to slam dunk cases that he can use to agitate the black community while forcing governments into huge settlements.
  22. They’re cops. Their skin color doesn’t matter. Many blacks believe they’re treated worse by black cops, especially the male cops. If there are protest, the police would be smart to create a buffer zone similar to what Rawlings did several years ago and let it fizzle out. If the cops do anything that’s perceived as aggression that’s going to set it off. Lots of idiots looking for a reason to act out and destroy property.


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