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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I finally got my meagher funds together. Should I replace (sold my g26 a few months ago) my old gen3 g26 or step up to the big boy game and get the 700sps tactical?
  2. I don't give them a pass. We only have the word of guy who is pissed because his pistol got taken. The cop could have been Andy Griffin and the poster would still be pissed. As I stated before "I hate crooked cops". I have to humble myself almost everytime I deal with Memphis' finest. I think that far too many of them abuse their authority when they are having bad days.
  3. One for each year of school missed. Two for each tooth missing.
  4. I hate crooked cops, but this guy was driving around with a loaded gun and no permit. The cop did nothing wrong.
  5. Wow! This guy is making liberal elitism look very good right about now.
  6. I was not looking down on him. I went into this with open eyes and good intentions. As it turns out he was being deceptive. He knew that it was not a glock and he knew that the gun was not operating correctly. I like to help because someone is always nice enough to help me with info.
  7. I took your advice Magic. I cleaned and function checked the "Glock". He has more problems than this thing being ugly and cheap. The trigger is mushy as oatmeal and would only reset about 1 out of every 3 times. When I returned it to him he came clean and admitted that he knew that it was not a glock and was hoping that I would tell him what it was. The d*ckhead also admitted to knowing about the trigger. I guess he thought that I would return it in working order. I did not get pissed. I simply made a mental note not to deal with him anymore. I also told him if he did not have another working gun at home that he had better get a big rock or something, because there is no way in hell that I would bet my life on that piece of .
  8. It's the heaviest pistol that I have ever held. This thing is just wrong. I am feeling bad about having to return it to him.
  9. HA! You made me laugh so hard that I choked. That was too funny.
  10. The guy never spoke about being a gun owner, so I was excited to help. He tells me that it is a glock 9mm and describes it. I think cool g17. No problem. Easy pistol to strip and clean. He shows up after work looking like secret squirrel hiding national security documents. He drops it in my trunk, we chat for a minute and he leaves. I open the the plastic Kroger bag to find a Maverick Firearms 9mm. I had never heard of this gun and had to google/bing to find it. I finally found a brief decription of how to take it apart (requires a hammer and punch), but I am not going to touch it. I don't want to pay him the $50 to replace it if it breaks. I locked the slide back and it looks to have dried pancake batter stuck to it. WTF? When I return it to him I am going to make sure that he understands that just because a gun is big and black it is not a Glock.
  11. They had so much fun that they want their own .22 rifles for their birthday (twins).
  12. I took the kids out to Range USA for the 11-16yo class today. They had a blast. The instruction was very good and reinforced alot of things that I had been teaching. I recommend this class for young ones. Yes, they get to shoot alot after the class. My kids shot a Crickett .22 rifle, g17, .22 revolver, Wilson Combat .45 and .223 rifle. I am going to sign them up for the intermediate class next.
  13. I saw a Remington 700 sps tactical that I wanted for $599. I walked around for a few minutes and decided that I would go and make a lower offer. As I walked up and started to touch it the guy tells me that it had just been sold. I look for the buyer and see one of Memphis' finest getting ready to purchase my baby. A couple more weeks and I will be ready to buy the 700 or replace the g26 that I sold.
  14. The last Southaven show was small and I had guys act a little rude toward me. I will stick with our TGO vendors, Buds and G&A.
  15. I would choose the GSD. The dogs are smart, quiet and loyal.
  16. I have about 1000 rounds thru my 15T and this rifle does not know how to malfunction. I hope that everything works out for you.
  17. Today was the first time that anyone has made guns and ammos' prices look reasonable.
  18. I just returned from the gun show. I could not lower my expectations enough. This is the show in a nut shell. Take your collection and lay it on a table. Second take a sack of garbage and spread it all around your collection and you have the Ag Center gun show. I can pay retail at one of local gun shops without paying admission.
  19. +1 for Gunvault. I have used them for a while. After a few days opening one is second nature and very fast. After a few months you don't even have to think when you open one even from a dead sleep.


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