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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. It will. I have been looking at the Stag for a while. I hear that they are very accurate. The only negative if you can call it that is the 6.8 snobs gripe about it not having M4 feed ramps. I think that $500 for the 20" upper is a very good deal.
  2. GLOCK 19 and 26 what I think they say about me - I have chosen a kick ass primary cc pistol and a even more awesome backup in the same caliber that will work when I need them. THE TRUTH is that I am too chicken to step outside of my comfort zone and try something new
  3. I was wondering who would snitch first. LOL Just kidding. Get home safe David.
  4. This and Dexter. Both season finales were insane.
  5. Regardless, it still sucks. Memphis needs a outdoor range! Let the jokes begin from the easterners with a false sense of security.
  6. Wearing my g19 as I type. I always have access to a gun except when I am in my office(that sucks and scares the hell out of me). I never work in the yard with a gun and a knife. My family calls me names, but I imagine that will stop if I ever have to defend them.
  7. Butt wipe in the truck. It's always someone making a left turn in front of a bike that causes these stupid "accidents".
  8. I would like to ride around in the back listening to music and drinking beer.
  9. I forgot. You could have been going to U of M.
  10. I noticed that intersection also. What were you doing over there buying crack?
  11. If I am not mistaken that range was closed long before AC became mayor of Shelby County. I thought that range was closed in the 1990s.
  12. Maybe we can get them to lease it to us for one dollar a year like they do some of the old buildings.
  13. Links2k

    M&P 9mm

    The M&P is a better looking pistol, but the stock trigger is a piece of crap.
  14. I am much larger than you, but I was going to suggest the glock26 because of its size and caliber. Load up some good hp ammo (hornady critical defense is my choice) and you are ready to defend yourself and your loved ones.
  15. O.K. give me a report when you can...seems like a good platform for long range shooting
  16. I'd go all in on that hand.
  17. Links2k

    M&P 9mm

    Ha...she is not going anywhere anytime soon. That Apex kit makes this gun shoot sooooo good.
  18. They are special. I like to carry it in my left front pocket in a pocket holster and the g19 iwb strong side.
  19. That crime stoppers reward gets them everytime.
  20. SOMEBODY IS GOING TO JAIL and rightly so. Forget the muslim thing. This is a clear cut case of arson. Throw in the muslims and you have a hate crime on top of arson.
  21. That was funny as hell.
  22. funny
  23. Links2k

    Rate Obama

    I agree. He just wanted to get elected. It's all about him, but I can still stomach him more than Glenn Beck. One and done for certain then we can get another liar in there. Then another and another after that. Screw all parties and politicians.


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