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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Links2k

    M&P 9mm

    I normally give my guns away (ask the buyers). I think I would do $450-$500 with Apex kit, 3 mags, backstraps, couple of holsters, CTC lasergrip and case. If I ever sell it.
  2. Well, have you shot it yet? Please give me the news.
  3. I regretted selling my first g26 so I got another one today with Truglo sights. Happy happy joy joy.
  4. Links2k

    M&P 9mm

    Yep, what he said. Everytime I get ready to sell my M&P 9mm I pull that Apex trigger a few times and I put her back in the safe.
  5. I've been smiling and laughing the entire time that I have been reading it. When that other thread closed I figured this would happen.
  6. I think that age is only important if you are old and ignorant. You would not want anyone to have fresh ideas. Things might change a little and we can't have that.
  7. I agree about the B.S. I wish that we did not have a political forum.
  8. Get well soon. I suffer from diverticulitis also. I did not require surgery, but the pain and the hospital stay make you want to die. On a positive note your post will make me start watching my diet again. Get well.
  9. I carry a full mag in the pistol and a full spare in a mag pouch. You guys have got me to thinking about securing a long gun and ammo in my vehicle. I may go with a marine type shotgun with ammo in the trunk (because those spaces can get really moist), and store a few more mags for the glock. I am more concerned about being away from home during a natural disaster than zombies. Since my wife is a coupon queen, I may as well throw a couple hundred cans of ravioli and water in there too.
  10. I would pay to shoot there on a regular basis
  11. Would this rifle make a good multipurpose (target/defense/hunting) shooter.
  12. Sorry I'm late. That was a loooooooong line getting in here.
  13. I think that he achieved his goal. IBTL
  14. I knew that someone would find a way. I am starting think that someone from Memphis is involved in everything that happens in the world. Sort of like a six degrees of separation thing.


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