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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I am very glad that you and the family had a good time. Spread the word in that visiting Memphis is not a automatic death sentence.
  2. Links2k

    Mp 9MM FS vs G19..

    Your logic does not apply to me. Sorry for being overly excited about two pistols that I like alot.
  3. Links2k

    Mp 9MM FS vs G19..

    Mike didn't you get the message. They are both combat style pistols that serve the same purpose so you shouldn't have both of them. I guess that we are rebels for owning a M&P 9 and a g19. Against the grain kind of guys.
  4. I listen to the mpd and scso on my droid. It's just random scanning, but it's intertaining.
  5. I thought that I had been banned.
  6. I like how he runs the tent jail with the pink uniforms. Like most of us he could keep some of his opinions to himself.
  7. What is your verdict on the Stag model 7 upper? I have been a member on the 68forums for a little while and from what I have read the feed ramps do help on the model 7, but are not really needed and it is a very good upper. I agree. The guys on 68forums are not snobs, but I get frustrated when someone says "yeah, it's a good rifle, it hits everything that you aim at, you got it at a good price, BUT you should have gotten m4 feed ramps". I hate those statements about any weapon when the weapon is performing to the owners satisfaction.
  8. I think that upper and a trijicon 3x9 rifle scope will do the job for me.
  9. I don't think it matters if it is a meth head, crack head or some clean cut looking college kid. If it don't feel right don't trust it. I am certain that cabbie in New York never expected to get attacked by that clean cut fare that stabbed him last week. I don't trust anyone.
  10. I replaced a g26 w/ truglo sights. I sold one a few months back and I have regretted it since.
  11. Thanks guys. I see people walking around all of the time with their heads down not making eye contact with others. They will never see it coming.
  12. both pictures taken with my droid see previous and below
  13. I had made a purchase at a local gun store the other day and was looking around a bit before I left. A young guy wearing a wife beater and dreads walks up and ask me for a light. I tell him that I don't smoke and continued to move about the store. A short time later as I exited the store the guy is standing to my right and nods in my direction. I look to my left and 3 or four other guys are sitting in a old car facing the street two spots over from my car. Now my head is on a swivel as I walk to my car. I look at wife beater then look at the car as I move. As I past the car one of the guys jumps out of the rear passenger seat and starts moving toward the rear of the car. All I could think about was that they were about to attempt to rob me and take my new pistol right in front of the gun store. I picked up my pace while moving toward my car. Now I am looking behind me in the glass of the store window because I am trying to get to cover for the gun fight. As I turn to get beside my car I raise my shirt just enough to get my hand on the grip of my pistol so that I can kneel behind the engine block while fighting. After making this quick thinking defensive move in my mind and mentally preparing for the fight I look up to see both guys going into the store. No one was behind me or trying to rob me, but I sure was paranoid and prepared. I got into my car and quickly left the area. I was not worrying about them robbing the gun store because that was a fight that they would not win. I guess that I said all of this to remind people to be aware of their surroundings at all times especially when you are walking about admiring a new toy. I am also glad that I did not have to test my skills. The good thing about this entire situation is that I never thought that I might lose that gun fight.
  14. It shouldn't as long as you don't try to get too comfortable while out hiking.
  15. I think Dexter starts on the 24th or 27th of September.
  16. Makes me think about when people talk about California bar-b-que. No such thing in my opinion.
  17. It will. I have been looking at the Stag for a while. I hear that they are very accurate. The only negative if you can call it that is the 6.8 snobs gripe about it not having M4 feed ramps. I think that $500 for the 20" upper is a very good deal.


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