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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Very good start to the season.
  2. Gunbroker is a good place to start
  3. I will attempt to make my first meet. Kids activities and work may keep me away.
  4. Links2k

    Mp 9MM FS vs G19..

    I never had any issues with a glock.
  5. Hope that you don't wear that poppycock outfit while you are working your magic on him.
  6. What's a good place to buy new/used scopes and rings? I am looking to put glass on my Rem 700 sps. I have found several that I like, but my favorite is the Trijicon 5x20 with the the green dot. I also like the Nikon Monarch, Bushnell Elite 4200, and the Vortex Viper. Am I leaving any good scopes out besides the Leupold? I may be willing to pay up to a grand for a good scope, but I want to stay in the five hundred range. Thanks for any help.
  7. I had a chance to pick up an upper, but at over two bucks per round this baby is out of my range. I imagine it is great if you reload or have lots of money for ammo. I hope that I am misinformed about the price of the ammo.
  8. Thanks man. You helped make this possible.
  9. I like the Timney triggers. I have one on my 15T.
  10. LOL I always hear people say that your scope should cost at leat as much as the gun. I think that I will put the acog on the 15T, eotech on the 15-22 and call it a day.
  11. The ACOG has just been sitting in the safe and I want to do something with it.
  12. Thanks....we do need a good outdoor range.
  13. I have a used ACOG that has not sold/traded (too many low ball offers) so I was wondering if it would be overkill to put it on a M&P 15-22. If so, I am going to put it on my M&P 15T and take the eotech and 3x magnifier and place them on the 15-22. Let me know what you think. I may place the ACOG up for trade again in the new future as I will be needing a nice scope for my long distance shooter.
  14. The rifle is a Remington 700 SPS Tactical that has been modified. The stock was painted GA precision camo and flat clear coated. Parts include Remington SPS Bell & Carlson aluminum bedded stock with hook Timney 1.5LB trigger Tactical Bolt knob threaded by AZ precision Badger 20MOA Rail Blackhawk Cheek Pad I could not afford the Razor scope. I am going with a Nikon Monarch or a Vortex Viper unless I find something better. I just put myself in a position where I have to join MSSA now.


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