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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. What’s even funnier are the whites afraid of becoming a demographic minority as if minorities are somehow mistreated in this society.
  2. This is what happens when people overreact and demand the government immediately shoot things out of the sky. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
  3. Is it really necessary for DoD to notify politicians about every thing if there is no eminent threat? I imagine if the ballon hadn’t been spotted over Montana we still wouldn’t be hearing about them. I trust our military to handle these situations.
  4. It was a really intense storm. I was lying in bed enjoying the sound of the rain when it felt like the storm settled over my house. I’ve never felt a house vibrate like that before.
  5. Like you, I thought of him as a local hero. I never met him, but it felt like everyone in Memphis knew him.
  6. I’ve already purchased a HP Reverb G2 V2. It has pretty good ratings for a mid priced headset. If I stick with flying I’ll more than likely upgrade to the Valve unit. I hear Apple is going to hit the market with a game changer this year. I also have Trackir5. I’ve yet to setup the vr headset. I’ve set MSFS aside for the moment. I’m currently learning the A10 Warthog in DCS. I fell in love with that aircraft during my military days. I’m having to take so many notes and do repetitious actions it feels like I’m in actual flight school. I love that you can’t jump into a plane and fly. It’s taken a week to perfect the startup and takeoff sequence. I haven’t even gotten into navigation and weapons. It really keeps the mind occupied.
  7. Those bottle sales really helped a kid out.
  8. Radio transmission leading up to the downing of the Chinese spy balloon.
  9. You can clearly see the Aim-9 missile leaving the jet, then impact near the antennas. My beliefs concerning this incident are more in line with these two takes I found online. Also, DOD mentioned that they were able obscure or relocate assets in the balloon’s path. Intelligence gathering seems to be the most logical reason for allowing the balloon drift across the country after assessing it posed no imminent threat to the country.
  10. I now believe they wanted to get caught. I just saw a former Pentagon deputy chief explaining that the government is hesitant to shoot the balloon due to ground safety concerns, and the military is hoping to get the balloon intact to reverse engineer it. If it poses a legitimate threat, they are prepared to bring it down sooner. They haven’t gotten away with anything. You may be forgetting the treacherous history of the U.S. government and military. We may not hear about it, but they will pay a price.
  11. It’s definitely a provocation, but I don’t think it’s a show of superiority. I’d be most concerned about the dispersion of bio weapons. China knows how trigger happy we are, and the urge to shoot it down is irresistible, thus sealing our own fate.
  12. So y’all are just going to ignore the low orbit satellites that China already uses to surveil us? It’s being reported that we have the capability to obscure images over sensitive areas as the ballon passes. This was a huge screw up by China. They got caught. They already knew where the bases, missiles and bombers are. I have a feeling they are going to mysteriously loss a few things in the near future for this escalation. I trust the decision not to shoot it down risking lives on the ground. I’m certain DOD ran analyst and projected trajectories of the debris field and concluded it would be better to wait until they could safely bring it down.
  13. It was everything you said, and more. The memorial for Tyre was held a few weeks ago. It was on the local news and much smaller. Yesterday was a show to drum up support for the Floyd bill and to keep these issues in the national spotlight. If people weren’t making noise, who would have paid attention to this case? I’m no fan of Al Sharpton, but he’s an activist. Everything he’s doing is his job. I despise Steve Bannon, but getting people angry and pissing other people off is his job. Neither would be successful if they weren’t effective.
  14. The patrol officer that momentarily grabbed Nichols feet is also under investigation, but this is Lt. Dewayne Smith who leaned over Nichols and told him he wasn’t going anywhere. Smith is currently attempting to retire.
  15. There was a lieutenant on scene that night. He was the guy in the skull cap leaning over Nichols telling him he wasn’t going anywhere. He’s more than likely the seventh cop under investigation.
  16. She can’t outlast this scandal. Activist have protested at police headquarters and Shelby Farms calling for her job.
  17. I attempted to watch that trash yesterday, but stopped for my own sanity. I did read many of the comments and from the samplings I read, many concluded the video was a bad take. I wanted to read more comments today, but they are not showing up for some reason.
  18. If there is video of his reckless driving we may see it in court. I know that area well and there are several cameras all over the place. They were headed west on E. Raines Rd during the initial stop and had to come off of Riverdale Rd. City cameras on Riverdale would have been at the intersections of Hwy385, Winchester Rd and on E. Shelby Drive. There are multiple gas stations, businesses, two city offices, a fire station and a large church which would have had cameras at those intersections. If Nichols was coming from Shelby Farms he probably came down S. Germantown Rd to Winchester, then on to Riverdale to Raines heading home. There are again multiple cameras from Shelby Farms thru Germantown down to Winchester Rd that has cameras and businesses everywhere. If Nichols was driving recklessly in any of these areas, it will be recorded somewhere.
  19. You’re shortchanging them. They’ve always been a mess their entire history regardless who you know that worked for them. Like you, every cop I know is a “good cop.” That being said, I’ve never known the MPD to be a good department.


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