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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I live in unincorporated Shelby County. I think that if Memphis gets worse the entire area fails. I am more concerned with the negative attitudes towards trying to improve the area. The poor and ignorant will always be with us, and crime knows no city limits.
  2. The holster is called the "Looper" by Custom Carry Concepts. I have one for the Glocks and one for the M&P pistols. If you decide to get one order it and forget about it. I think that it is a one man operation and it takes a few months for it to arrive. You can also get them backed with leather (I have that option for my Glock holster). I learned about the holster on www.mp-pistol.com a couple of years ago. http://www.customcarryconcepts.com/holsters
  3. Glock 19 iwb, g26 in pocket holster (not daily), spare magazine Surefire E2D,and Smith & Wesson knife.
  4. Welcome to the forum. You have good taste in guns. The Glock 26 is awesome.
  5. Try the in car safe ( I got mine from glockstore.com) or the gun vault mini (I use this daily). Both are very good for temporary use.
  6. I'm boring. I have the basic Droid "You have an incoming call". My old ring tone was the theme from "The Unit".
  7. Cozy Partner or Galco Summer Comfort
  8. Everythings good except I can't get used to the mac and cheese with the tomatoes in it. I guess I just have simple (child like) taste.
  9. Links2k

    Lay-a-way Plan

    Never thought about lay away. What are their terms?
  10. I know what you mean. One of my co-workers is a Krav Maga instructor and he only weighs like 120lbs. He will murder you. I spared with him one day and he put a beating on me.
  11. Thanks to everyone for the replies. Looks like I made a good choice.
  12. I have never owned any Spikes gear. Owners/fans give me the good and the bad on this lower. It just shipped from Montana today I will get a photo up as soon as it arrives. I plan to replace the trigger with a Timney single stage unit (my favorite) and use this lower with my recently acquired 6.8 upper that has been sharing space on my M&P 15T.
  13. I traded the ACOG for a Sig 229 and lots of gear. The Eotech is going to stay on the 15T. I will pick up a second Eotech to put on the 15-22.
  14. What difference does it make whether you swim in cow or bull ? It's still .
  15. "The good news, if you want to look at it that way, is that those interests mostly have us by the balls anyway, no matter who wins on Election Day. That's the reality; the rest of this is just noise. It's just that it's a lot of noise, and there's no telling when it's ever going to end." This is what I preach. You are STUPID if you believe/follow any of these politians/parties.


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