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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I am loving all of the silence from my Cowboy bandwagon co-workers.
  2. Yeah, Hotel Californiai is the best ever.
  3. I have the gunvault mini and a car safe that I got from the glockstore. I have no problems closing either of them with my CTC lasergrips on and I did not have to remove any foam. I use the safes for my Glocks and M&P.
  4. They are always crap. I can always find better deals here or other online sites.
  5. The article that I would have written if I had the skills. I have always said that the different political parties play the people of this country for fools. None of them mean any of us any good, but they do a excellent job of keeping us divided and off of their behinds.
  6. Links2k


    I average about 45 miles per day on work days and 60 on off days. I am too lazy to do the math
  7. Links2k

    Name it?

    No names for my guns, but I do refer to all of them as "she".
  8. Welcome and Happy Birthday. Good choice with the Glock.
  9. I'll wait is my favorite Van Halen song and Dyer Maker is my Led Zeppelin hit.
  10. Congrats. You have a special woman. Happy Birthday.
  11. Links2k

    S&W M&P

    M&P 9 owner here. Owned and sold the M&P 45. They are good guns made better by the Apex parts.
  12. I know that you are joking. Right? If you are impulsive like me it will be hard, but save and buy the other pistol. Keep the glock.
  13. That thing is scary to look at.
  14. Newspapers and magazines are sold door to door by teens looking to pick up money for school. I never buy from them because I don't want people just showing up at my door.
  15. There should be a cut off point before a person can get too comfortable.
  16. Why is Jack no longer a TGO member or was that a joke?
  17. What's the deal with the guy on the golf cart? This is the second time that someone has hinted that there may be an issue with this guy. Details please.
  18. You did not agree with them. You are going get shipped to N. Korea with me because you don't appreciate our freedoms. You had better pack for cold weather. It has been a long time since I was in S. Korea, but I do remember that the winters will kick your butt. No disrespect to the tea partiers, because I think all of the parties suck.


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