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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Good pick up for the Titans. It's only football.
  2. Won't make a difference for me. I work for the feds and they are not going to allow it. That's why I park off site with two gun safes.
  3. Thanks 6.8AR. I am going to put up photos of the complete rifle after it arrives.
  4. PC7 "It would be awesome if in the middle of this “sanity” rally the Selective Service board informed everyone that this was a draft board and all of them would be on plane to Iraqi or Afghanistan that night. A deployment would give these folks some character, as most have probability never worked an honest day of work in their life". A draft sounds like a great idea. I have always been pro-draft. If we have a draft and every young man or woman had to go to war I don't think that we would be so eager to fight wars. I think that our concentration would turn to real national defense.
  5. We are going to wake up wedsnesday morning to a perfect world. Cutting taxes, repealing this and that while destroying our enemies in a blink of an eye. I can't wait. And they had better get it done in 22 months! When will we stop believing the lies from both parties. It is never about the people. It is always about power.
  6. Hope that you friend heals soon. NEWS FLASH! Crime occurs outside of Memphis. Do whatever you have to do to protect you and yours. Crime is about opportunity not location.
  7. Beck is a loon. Stewart admits that he is a comedian. Becks takes himself seriously. The media and polititians are doing a hell of a job scaring and dividing. As usual the American people are swallowing hook line and sinker. If we would make the polititians do there jobs it would not matter which party held office. People elect their group of idiots and don't demand anything from them.
  8. Thanks Leroy. That Trijicon price does hurt the pocket a bit. I tried for the longest time to trade for one, but no one was willing to let theirs go. I guess that is a testimony to how good they are. I finally sold some gear (holsters, mags, etc.) and saved a little bit to pull this off. I have to get some range time in now.
  9. I did not want to wait on my sparks so I just checked 1911forums everyday for a couple of weeks til I came across one. They come up often, but only last a few minutes. It was like playing lotto.
  10. VMII is a great holster. I recently sold one for a full sized 1911. They are very hard to come by.
  11. I had one team with Romo and Favre. Going down quickly.
  12. Rush performing Tom Sawyer and Subdivisions. That's some rock for your arse.
  13. Both of mine secure to the seat with a cable and fit under the seat. Check them out. I am in the same situation at work and I come home at night so I like having my lasergrips on my pistol.


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