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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. :rolleyes:Stop lying. We all know that there are no gangs in Tennessee outside of Memphis.
  2. I saw his story on 60 minutes sunday. No problem with Obama awarding the MOH to this soldier. We haven't had a politician in the last half century worth a crap. So, Obama is no different. He may be the most spineless leader during my lifetime. I am very proud of this soldier.
  3. lol I am sure that it got some hopes up including mine
  4. Links2k


    I once sold two glocks so I could buy other glocks. I am now satisfied with my 19, 26 and 30.
  5. That's usually the case. I would hate to think that a foreign sub is off our coast practicing and accidently launched.
  6. Welcome. I think that I know you from MP pistol.com correct?
  7. Plus1 I received some defensive training from a pro that I know will save my life. It its up to me to keep those skills sharp. Moving and shooting will save your life.
  8. I am glad that I survived my young, burly, and invincible days.
  9. Thought it was just me. I am not accusing anyone of anything, but how big of an ass do you have to be acting to get run out of a business with a gun pointed at you?
  10. Links2k

    Macho Salad

    That was too funny
  11. You all know how I feel about all polititians. They are all lying pieces of crap. That being said. The republicans and tea partiers wanted this mess, they got this mess so fix it or shut the f@$k up. Presumptive speaker Boner ( yeah BONER) is already starting to soften up after 2 years of talking crap. I was listening to Rush yesturday and there was a woman on the show that heard the same thing in Boners victory speech. None of these people want to led. Most in both parties just like the idea of having a title/power.
  12. I am all for cutting the part of the military budget that keeps troops permanantly stationed overseas.
  13. Yeah, like paying $6,000,000,000 for a loaf of bread after the currency flops.
  14. I disagree. They won't need you again for at least another 24 months. They will start pushing buttons again in about 12 months. They no longer realize that it is supposed to be public service. It is all about them in both parties.
  15. I look forward to his return. Interesting fellow and funny.
  16. He was acting like a liberal welfare queen? Lol


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