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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. My understanding is that the 416 mag will hold 20 rounds while the MP5 magazines will hold 25. H&K 22 Rimfire - Home
  2. MPD is very good about security where visitors and tourist may vistit. The only time that you do not want to visit the Memphis Zoo is on the free tuesdays, but I think that the city stopped that after last years spring break when the heathens decended upon the place and behaved like they had no mommas.
  3. I was preparing to take my 6.8 rifle up to zero when I found out the phone was off and the website closed.
  4. He is ignorant, but the road trip was funny.
  5. +1 very good stuff for the money without the wait. I waited so long for another holster that I forgot that I had ordered it.
  6. happens everywhere. Thinking otherwise will make you a victim.
  7. H&K 22 Rimfire - Home Nice looking pieces from H&K
  8. Links2k

    GSG 22

    Due out late spring. Gives us time to save more money. I may try the MP5 and 416 instead of replacing my M&P 15-22.
  9. Links2k

    GSG 22

    H&K is coming out with its' own version of the MP5 in .22 cal so I will be waiting to get their version. I have heard nothing but good things about the gsg-5. I would not hesitate to buy one if I were you. http://www.hk22rimfire.com/
  10. I will always carry a Glock (19,26,30) so the operation is always the same. I always carry iwb except during the summer at kids functions when I will put the G26 in a pocket holster. In rare instances I will carry the M&P 9mm in the same type iwb holster that I use for the glocks so the holster position is always the same. Nothing like muscle memory when your life depends on it.
  11. Yes, that is a ADM mount. It is very solid. It was part of the deal for the scope. It was virtually free. I can't make a comparison to Laure products because I have never owned any.
  12. It has to be the g19. We g19 owners know that it's like having that nerdy girlfriend that wears glasses, but when she lets her hair down behind closed doors she becomes a super freak. That IS the Glock 19.
  13. Thanks. I have yet to fire a round thru it. I am trully ashamed.
  14. This is true. I may sell the M&P 9mm to pay the fees at MSSA.
  15. No problem. Waiting on a couple of Comp-tac mag holders and I will be carrying the G30 till it warms up again.


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