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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. "A gun is supposed to be comforting not comfortable" - Clint Smith That being said, that's the same reason that I did not carry my 1911s. The Glock 19,26 or 30 are reliable and easy to carry all day everyday.
  2. WTG! My kids love that place. I need to find time to get them out there more.
  3. I like the SME idea. The reputation points idea will not work here. There are already too many cliques on this site. A guy like me that mainly comes to read and get info will get neutralized in the first week.
  4. +1 for more training Training is always good. I like RUSAs defensive handgun course.
  5. I have a Glock30 that I plan to put Truglo TFO sights on. I have the TFO sights on my g26 and I like them. I may even put them on my g19. Having said all of that I don't think that it needs anything else. I like Glocks stock.
  6. :up:Welcome to the big leagues rookies. Seriously, I just do like David said. Develop a habit for staying away from where bad guys lurk unless you have to be there. Then be prepared to defend yourself.
  7. Must be nice having somewhere to hunt. Nice kill.
  8. I have told some people that you may have to take a ass whomping sometimes. Every situation does not call for deadly force. Always try to be a peace maker and be willing to walk/run away. Only draw your weapon if you are planning/ready to kill. Being bad mouthed by a tough guy does not justify drawing your weapon. We had a lady get arrested locally for drawing on a guy at a gas station the other day. I think that he was only asking her to move her car forward a little so his wife could get closer to a pump. Maybe she felt threatened but the guy had not done anything but walked toward her. She should have asked him not to come toward her while attempting to increase her reactionary gap. Drawing that weapon when there is no real threat will get you put in jail. Also remember that because you are carrying a gun does not make you a bad ass. My advice is to develope a DEFENSIVE mindset. Only become the aggressor when it is time to nuke that bad guy.
  9. No need to carry if it is not ready to fire. Always one in the chamber.
  10. Palin would be sexy if she could keep her mouth shut. I llike her toughness and willingness to try/do almost anything.
  11. I thought people were going a bit too far until I watched the show last night. I have never hit a woman. I would have been skinned alive for it, but that Kate sure made me want to take the chance.
  12. I almost myself watching the video.
  13. That's what I was thinking when I saw this on sunday night. She missed high about four times and the animal never moves. It must be sick or very dumb.
  14. Just noticed it. Poor situational awareness on my part.


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