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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I don't expect retail on my trades, but I also don't expect to be offered $275 no matter what I am trading and then have the counter guy tell that the magical wizard is the back of store will only pay that much cash or trade. Anyone know anything about the pawn shop in Eads or Oakland that claims to have good prices/customer service? I have been saving for another M&P 15-22 and MSSA fees, but I am thinking about giving up all of the long guns except the M&P15T and the Mossy 930spx and buying some nice 1911s since the outdoor range situation in the Memphis area is so bad.
  2. Members 6.8 AR and Smith have lots of knowledge about the 6.8 rifle.
  3. AR PERFORMANCE! Check out www.68forums.com Here is mine with Spikes lower and Trijicon. here is mine
  4. Tacticool Retard! Too damned funny. The shotgun is fugly!
  5. Congrats! I know it must have been hard work while taking care of a family.
  6. Even with my pro Memphis rant I may be moving to Lakeland or Collierville in the near future. I have no issues with my neighborhood. The wife and kids want a larger house with a pool and room for dogs so we will be moving after I get all my eggs in a row. Finally get to use some of those VA perks. My preference would be to move downtown on the river.
  7. :cool:Real men have both. Just sayin.
  8. So it's about a hour and a half away from Memphis? How often do you go there?
  9. Most importantly...where are you going to shoot it in the Memphis area if you don't own any land?
  10. I got my g30 iwb holster from this guy on glock talk. It is very similar to the CCC Looper and he will have it to you in a couple of days for like twenty-five bucks. I think that it is a very good cheap holster. WTS LCP & PF9 Holsters - Glock Talk contact him he makes kydex for almost any pistol. I also have a leather iwb for the g30, but I find myself using the kydex on a regular basis.
  11. Welcome to TGO. BTW living in the city does not reduce your survival rate unless you are a crackhead, dealer, thief, make a habit of hanging out in the wrong places or are a low life in general. By virtue of your presence here I doubt that you are any of the above. Sorry for the rant, but Memphis gets enough from people who have never been here so I hate it when the locals knock her down too. One hell of a welcome huh?
  12. Get rid of it now! You should have easily been able to get 10000 rounds out of it before that happened.
  13. What's a good price and where can I find one?
  14. The wife said that mine arrived today.


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