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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I am not going to defend the surrender of the charter because I really don't have a dog in the fight. I do believe the SCS to be a better system so why not give all of the children in the area the benefit of being educated by the better educators. MCS is a failure. Would you continue to use the same broker if all he did was lose your money?
  2. I was using swipe while in my car, but that is no excuse for not checking my spelling before posting.
  3. So you just give up on the city kids simply because they had the misfortune of being born to ignorant/clueless parents? The same people that are against this are the same people that complain about the crime rate and the poor educational system.
  4. So is SCS not up to the job? If and when Memphis becomes Detroit the entire area will suffer. If those kids in the city system are not properly educated soon the city will die and crime will sky rocket. People talk about leaving and they may have to when all the companies leave because of the lack of a educated workforce. I know that the city schools are full of heathens. Hell I was one of them, but us old guys have to get over the race mixing fears and stereotypes. . I am a firm believer that nothing will change if there is no parental involvement, but I don't agree with the status quo. The preachers and black politicians only care about power and money while the suburbanites are simply paranoid.
  5. I thought that my mailbox was their designated disposal area.
  6. Links2k


    I will have to work on sunday, but come monday the kids and I will be having a snowball fight.
  7. Don't forget that your weapon also had to be double action to qualify. SCSO required that way back when.
  8. That's the famous guns and ammo customer service that I am accustomed to. They could care less because there is no competition in the city when it comes to having the guns and gear in stock.
  9. I pay for private schools, but I hope that it passes. If SCS has the best plan why not let all of the kids benefit from having the best educators available? They should get rid of everyone in MCS that have held a leadership position in the last twenty years.
  10. :D:Dheh heh heh....my cheeks are hurting
  11. I was going to be surprised if no one mentioned Obama in this thread. You guys are getting too predictable.
  12. I read almost all of them. I will wait until they get ready to expire then they send you the really good offers.
  13. Evans would have been great for our team. Wallace sucks as a GM.
  14. Damn! That's heavy. I have to agree with you on that, but we must add the people that support them.
  15. That's nice to know. I like O'Charleys in Collierville so checking out the new store will be easy. When does it open?
  16. Poplar and 72? What shop is this? I need to spread the wealth.
  17. I am watching the Grizzlies and the Oklahoma football game.
  18. We recently had a guy over near the U of M kill his relatives with a ax over pills and a debit card.
  19. I was just wondering which piece of scum makes you more nervous a crackhead or a meth head? I am more suspect of the meth head. From what I have read they (meth addicts) appear to be more violent. My opinion of crackheads is that they are simply hustlers for their smoke. That being said I feel that the crack dealer trumps them both. Lots of people have lost their lives dealing with these guys.
  20. Any recommendations on a good consignment store in Memphis/Jackson area? I would also like to know the fees that the store would charge for selling rifles or pistols. Thanks Links2k


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