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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I’m going to thread lightly here, because I would like this post to remain open. There has been no proof of anything being rigged, therefore it’s not a fact. There were 62 challenges, and all failed. The people in question stated certain things to their audience while privately expressing opposite views via text messages. They also testified under oath that they didn’t believe what you’re claiming. The network owner also stated under oath that he could have stopped them from lying, but he didn’t. He also said his position had nothing to do with red or blue, but green and they were afraid of losing viewers to Newsmax. This poll solicits your opinion about the trustworthiness of Fox News and its prime time host. Anything else is an attempt to muddy the waters.
  2. What’s the story on Nance? I frequently see him on Twitter arguing about Ukraine.
  3. There shouldn’t be a lock as long as people leave the politics out and simply respond to the poll or move on. I’ll amend the poll People are potentially incarcerated because of their lies. I enjoy the opinions of Rhodes Scholars. Correct, yet the unreasonable or potentially unstable mind absorbs that garbage like a sponge. Some have paid for that entertainment by losing their freedom.
  4. Please stay on topic sir. I’m asking about Fox News host intentionally lying to their viewers. Participate or don’t. I’m very curious about this subject, and I don’t want to cause disruption, so I left the politics out of the poll. If you’re concerned about ballot stuffing start your own poll. I’m certain many others also share your concern. I’ll share my opinion about the video after you post.
  5. I’ve been retired for a little over three years now. Time still goes by extremely fast. I try as much as humanly possible to avoid stress while attempting to remain positive about everything. Life is truly short and working is overrated. I guess the only negative to retiring somewhat early is that everyone I enjoy spending time with still works. I don’t get lonely, because I’m an introvert, but I’d like it if more friends and family had this freedom. Anyway, besides guns I also enjoy flying my DJI drone, goofing around with my Traxxas rc 4x4, online poker, news, history, driving my Teryx sxs, military and civilian flight simulation and most importantly, quiet time. I’m looking forward to spring, because I really enjoy swimming. Swimming really helps with my arthritis. I’m a home body, but I travel internationally only because my wife loves to travel. The benefit of traveling outside of the country is seeing historic landmarks and enjoying native culture. Thanks for reading and feel free to share anything that brings you peace of mind and pleasure.
  6. No political debate please! If you’re aware of the scandal, do you feel deceived?
  7. According to Newsweek the family lives in Rhode Island and the deceased was planning a move back to Tennessee to live with a friend. Edwards had her own wheelchair due to a stroke and broken ankle, but it was left at the airport when Edwards was taken to the hospital after leaving the plane. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwigo5ahlbn9AhVQlGoFHVY4C_QQvOMEKAB6BAgLEAE&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.newsweek.com%2Flisa-edwards-knoxville-police-family-statement-belong-hell-tennessee-1784312&usg=AOvVaw3V8BlIAgco783j6tJiITSC
  8. First and foremost when you’re in a position of power and authority you have a responsibility to remain professional. Yeah, cops get sh*t on. That comes with the territory. They know that when they take the job. None are forced to serve. I’m allowing everything you say to justify the cops behavior. Yes, she was a big woman, but if you look at the video she obviously could not control her own body weight. Maybe it was medical, maybe it was “drug behavior” as been speculated. Maybe just like with the killer cops of Tyre Nichols it’s their culture to behave in the manner that we observed on video. The cops were the emotional ones on scene. Yelling about coffee, oatmeal and getting a uniform soiled. They even threatened to pile on charges. Their immediate response was arrest for noncompliance instead of taking a moment to assess the situation. When the deceased passed out in the back of the patrol unit, the cop pulls her hair to lift her up. What’s right about that? If they behave like that on a trespassing call, how do they handle more serious crimes? The cops had no control over what the hospital or the doctors decided, but there is nothing that says they couldn’t call an ambulance for someone who appeared to be in distress. They simply wanted to end the interaction as soon as possible with no concern about the deceased medical complaints. It’s the attention to detail that’s required on every call. Yeah, the job gets monotonous. Yes, they’re seen this a hundred times before. Yes, people claim to to be ill to avoid jail, but at the end of the day just like there are no routine traffic stops, every interaction with a citizen should be treated as unique. If they’re too lazy or too burnt out to do the job properly they should find a job more in line with their skills and education.
  9. Let’s concede that everything you say is true. I’ll agree that there may be negligence on behalf of the family. I read in one of the stories someone said the deceased had previously visited a hospital and exhibited drug like behavior. What kind of diagnosis is that? Sounds more like an opinion. So, we’ve established the family my be negligent, what about the subhuman behavior exhibited by law enforcement on the scene? That’s the real issue here. The total lack of empathy by public servants towards a human being. An elder worthy of dignity and respect.
  10. Try this link https://www.wjhl.com/news/regional/tennessee/bodycam-video-of-woman-who-died-in-knoxville-police-custody-released/
  11. I’d like to hear why the DA hasn’t considered charges. Letting the cops investigate themselves will probably prove futile unless there is more public outcry. This lady deserves justice! @FUJIMOyou make a good point about the family. From my understanding she had previously suffered a stroke and was in the process of transitioning her life back to Tennessee. She appeared to have little use or strength on her left side. She fell ill on a plane prior to going to the hospital. There is so much negligence here it’s ridiculous. God bless that poor woman.
  12. I sold my two P365s in favor of the NRA coyote XL. It conceals great for a big guy. I just purchased the Macro grip module and five mags to try the slightly larger package with the XL slide. IMO there are no bad choices when it comes to the P365.
  13. SCORPION Unit supervisor had prior reprimands, illegally searched man's car https://www.commercialappeal.com/story/news/2023/02/24/tyre-nichols-death-scorpion-unit-supervisor-prior-reprimands-illegal-search/69932478007/
  14. Thanks for your effort. At the moment I don’t plan to participate, but good looking out for the next guy.
  15. He was a very good comedian, and turned into an outstanding and believable actor.
  16. It has nothing to do with agreeing with me. He says ignorant untrue ####, and no one calls him out on it. Most assholes attempt to hide their vile with comedy. Just like the others asshole who post all the political memes. I’m going to start flooding the funny memes thread with political ####.
  17. Did you not get get the memo about no politics on TGO? I’d love to share some opinions that would embarrass some and make others heads explode.
  18. That was the best living. Everyone was a brother or sister. Anything else was secretly beaten out of you.
  19. So white people are the only people who work, pay taxes to support infrastructure and social programs? Yeah, lots of white people are racist as f*ck, but so are many people of other ethnicities. Because it’s uncomfortable doesn’t make it not true. Many people who espouse this ignorant line of thinking have never produced enough to take care of themselves let alone putting enough into the kitty to support someone else. Thinking like this is why I’ll always support social change regardless of the pain it inflicts.
  20. How much more responsibility can the government take? They were pressured into admitting they had been tracking the ballon since its launch. They were pressured into admitting they allowed the ballon to travel on it path so the military could gain intelligence not only on the ballon, but how it interacted with Chinese satellites. Also, every American balloon expert immediately wanted the balloon shot down. I think the government showed weakness in immediately shooting down the last three balloons to please the chicken hawks. National defense policy should be left to the experts. The public doesn’t need to know everything our intelligence apparatus does.


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