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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Colored folk and hillbillies? I'll bet private conversations with you are interesting.
  2. Links2k

    Snow Report

    I was on the way home around 11pm last night and I 240 was a mess. Yet, typical of Memphis drivers I had people speeding past me and losing control of their vehicles. This is the only place that I have seen where people drive faster when it rains or snows.
  3. I envy anyone who has access to a outdoor range without having to pay alot of loot to join. We have MSSA locally and I hear that it is a good setup so I will be plunking down the cash soon.
  4. I know that they help with accuracy, but I just don't care for them. Anyone else like/dislike them? Why?
  5. I have 15yo boy/girl twins. The girl attends Briarcrest and the boy attends MUS. They are both great schools. I think that your girlfriend will love it. Good Luck!
  6. Home school or sacrifice some comforts for a loooooooooong time and pay for private school.
  7. +1 I only have night sights on my g26. My other glocks have stock sights with CTC lasergrips for night work.
  8. Crimsonaudio you obviously have a brilliant mind based upon the fact that we normally share similar views. No amount of debate will change how either of us feel about this matter so I will respectfully disagree with you and apologize for being a bit harsh earlier. I hope that whatever the outcome is that it will be good for all of the children while requiring more parental involvement from the parents of the city kids. Off subject a bit, but I like what Kenneth Whalum said a while back about tying city school kids attendance and performance to the amount of government assistance that a family receives. I know that it won't/can't be done, but I think that it would provide some incentive.
  9. I concede that I am outnumbered here. What I would like to know is what are the other options to get those kids educated? MCS has shown that it can't get the job done. I really don't think that they care to educate the children. The administrators remind me of people that I work with only concerned about titles and job descriptions. I would be content with any positive outcome regardless which side wins. POSITIVE OUTCOME! To me that means a outcome were all the area kids have the opportunity to be educated in a safe environment. I would think that more parents would see it this way. Then we would not feel compelled to home school or pay outrageous tuition for private schools in my case.
  10. Most of the objections don't appear to be valid. They just happen to be fearful views that you agree with. I hope that you and the people that think like you get everything that you want. Just remember that karma is a bitch. Have a good evening sir.
  11. I am not as worked up about this situation as you guys. As I stated before I don't have a dog in this fight. My opinion won't change a thing with anyone here, but I will keep watching this thread for its entertainment value. I hope that those trully concerned have lots of blood pressure pills and antidepressants.
  12. I was speaking about twenty years ago when the local sheriff issued the permits. You could only qualify with a double action handgun.
  13. Links2k


    So true, and very funny.
  14. And all Memphis voters are bad parents who don't care about their kids education?


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