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Lifetime Benefactor
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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Because it ain't gonna happen. It's just lip service.
  2. I had a similar conversation with a co-worker last night. He insisted that there had to be a way to make dead beats get off of their asses and produce. I say that you have a segment of the population that does not give a and won't change regardless what you take from them. Some people simply don't care. You can stop the checks and food stamps and that person still won't work and become productive.
  3. You can't really believe that. I don't agree with people getting freebies, but that statement is incredible.
  4. I'm glad that they never sent mine when I renewed last year. Whew!
  5. I will remember that the next time.
  6. I did it online and saved two dollars.
  7. Links2k

    New signs.

    Cool! Where did you find those? I must have at least four of them.
  8. Congrats! Remember young man that it's not about YOU anymore. Babies are great.
  9. I enjoyed seeing how she interacted with her family, but I agree with you for the most part.
  10. I think that anyone who believes any polititian is stupid. There is not a more self serving group of people in the world.


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