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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Links2k

    If you had...

    I would save another $300 and buy a SPRINGFIELD TRP.
  2. I have the cash stashed for the range. Just waiting on warmer weather now.
  3. Anything at more than 25 yards with one of my rifles.
  4. Bite the bullet and join MSSA. I put off a purchase so that I can pay the fees.
  5. Good. No more three yards and a cloud of dust.
  6. I actually considered posting a thank you note to the guys for not buying it. I will just save for another TRS and 15-22 after I pay my MSSA fees.
  7. I can't knock the M&P line. I sold a .45 and currently own a 9mm. The trigger was the only issue that I had with the M&P. I fixed that with Apex Tactical parts. The M&P really points and shoots well. Glocks still rock.
  8. NO! I am keeping it. I finally put away the money to join MSSA. I thought that he was only speaking of handgun calibers. I still have the 6.8, Rem 700SPS, Mossy 930SPX, the pistols as well as the M&P15T.
  9. I just started watching this season. It is a very good show.
  10. I finally did a complete disassembly on my three Glocks (19,26 and 30). It's amazing how simple these guns are to take apart. I installed the 3.5lb connector and extended slide stop in the 19 and 30. I am leaving the 26 stock for now, but I have already been online looking to get a titanium stiker, titanium fpb and tungsten guide rod for the G19 and 30. I think that this may become as bad as BRD, but it's going to be fun.
  11. Welcome young man. You remind me that I need to go and buy another M&P15-22 for my son/me.
  12. I prefer this weather over the hot Memphis summers.
  13. crunchy with beer original with coke
  14. Damn! I love it when someone displays some common sense.
  15. That's because regardless what people want to believe all of the politicians are the same.


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