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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Thanks everyone. I have been waiting to find some on sale or discounted. I am in no rush.
  2. 3 Glocks 2 S&W soon to be three AR PERFORMANCE MOSSBERG REMINGTON Looking to replace LES BAER Glock and Baer would be my favorites
  3. Checking in. I heard the Magpul whore whistle. I think that I will buy the entire set.
  4. I agree. I never heard that crap anywhere except the internet.
  5. I imagine that those 100 round mags would make a rifle very heavy.
  6. Praying for good news and positive results.
  7. Links2k

    Pistol Conundrum

    I agree. I also own several Glocks. I am fighting the urge to purchase a G21sf as we speak. I have the M&P9mm and would love to have .22 LR version.
  8. Good for you for joining. You should have gotten at least three emails by now and you can expect your first call at any minute.
  9. Links2k

    Pistol Conundrum

    Wow, I am not disputing your opinion but that is the first time that I have heard a g19 owner say that the g19 was not a good range gun.
  10. You got to five hundred fast. Took me two years.
  11. I have one on my AR(MVF515), my g19 and my M&P9mm. I think that CT products are the best available.
  12. Thanks for the replies. I will look into the Ameriglo sights. The wife has decided to get a carry permit so she may be taking the g26 or g19 which means that I will start carrying the g30 or M&P9mm.
  13. I prefer Trijicons, but I am open to suggestions. If you are in the Memphis area please suggest a store that has them in stock.
  14. There's no truth to that. That's simply his opinion. They should be charged with a hate crime as well as attempted murder.
  15. If I had a vote this rifle would get it.
  16. That's some bullsh@t. You should not have to justify killing those mf'ers.
  17. Links2k

    If you had...

    Shoot me a pm on the location of that 1k TRP. I am in the market.


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