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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I don't like them, but they are smart by pricing their weapons low enough to match what you would pay on the internet plus transfer fees. Makes buying most guns online obsolete when you don't have to wait and can actually handle the gun before you buy it. I revert to my military mindset when I walk in the door. I don't have to like what's happening around me. I just carry on with my mission (buying a new family member). As for Rangemaster, I had some issues and concerns based upon my two visits there. I have decided that I will deal with whatever I have to deal with when the time comes that I seek training from their cadre. I have recently had some conversations with a friend who teaches Krav Maga and in turn he spoke with some people and the conclusion that we came up with is that Mr. Givens is the real deal and it should be a previledge to learn what he can teach you if you want to be a serious defender. After all that is our goal. We seek to be able to properly defend not only ourselves, but more importantly those that we love. I for one can check my ego and panties at the door in order to do that.
  2. I intended to go by MSSA for a tour on monday after I left Classic Arms, but the money in my pocket told me to keep looking for a replacement for my Les Baer TRS. If I join I plan to become proficient with my R700 out to several hundred yards, shoot a variety of AR rifles and shotguns and work on defensive shooting with my pistols. Can I accomplish all of these things in a good environment without a lot of hassle from range monitors who take themselves too seriously? Thanks, Links2k
  3. Around here you can tell when your "FIRM" price needs to be adjusted by how long a item is available. I have noticed that items with fair prices disappear quickly. I take issue with trades. If I specify a certain item for my item please don't offer me uncle Jeds' slingshot from 4th grade if I did not request it in trade.
  4. I resisted watching the movies for a long time. But when I watched them I really enjoyed them and found that watching them brought me and my 15yo daugther closer. She has always been a daddys girl but by discussing the movies with her she begin to talk to me about other things that she might have reserved to discuss only with her clueless peers. Proud Team Jacob Dad:drama:
  5. I have been in there frequently and the only person that is remotely customer friendly is the big young guy (looks to be in 30's or early 40's...Brian maybe?). Hell, even the gunsmith is grouchy. I don't expect to have my behind kissed, but I would like to feel that you are happy that I choose to spend my hard earned dollars in your place of business. TGO has been a blessing for buying and selling guns. I get to buy/sell at good prices and meet good people at the same time. And if I am not careful I actually learn a thing or two.
  6. I agree, but it was nice being able to walk into that building and see, touch and buy almost any gun you wanted when you wanted it.
  7. Worst experience in the world when you want to spend your money on a gun, but unless you don't mind waiting for someone else to order a gun for you G&A is it in and around Memphis. Maybe one of the east Tn vendors will open up a store in Memphis and stock it with what people are looking for and make the customer feel welcome.
  8. Top Brass is a good place to train when they turn on the exhaust fans on the range. I have been there a couple of times and they did not appear to be on. Chris is a good guy and very helpful, but there is a young guy there that is very short and rude at times. I figured he was the owners kid or something and ignored him.
  9. I have the Nikon Monarch 6-24x50 on my 700SPS Tactical. I agree with Josh. They can be had for a llittle over $600.
  10. I have owned two (.45&9mm) they were excellent guns with no issues. I simply prefered the Austrian kool-aid.
  11. I believe that even with our blessings and hard work we have all been one mistake or bad decision away from being screwed whether it be long or short term. I've been around this site long enough to know that there are some really hard working people here, but I also know that not everything is under our control.
  12. Thanks. I got a couple of PRI mags from a member on 6.8forum.
  13. The TRP is a sweet shooter. I hate that I sold mine.
  14. My friends and family are square and laid back like me, so I would be shocked to see anyone else that I recognize in that magazine. I have seen about four copies and it is always filled with hookers, dope dealers, bail jumpers and dui offenders.
  15. They are sponsored by bail bond companies.
  16. I have a co-worker that quit speaking to me after I showed her DUI mugshot to some mutual friends. That was the first time that I had seen the magazine. It was given to me by someone who knew her.
  17. It's hard to do the right thing when you are broke according to thid game.
  18. Different forum. The forum that I speak of protects liars and thieves. I have had no issues on TGO and have always been treated well here.
  19. Prior to tuesday I never posted anywhere except the sell/trade section. Too many experts in the threads for me.
  20. The thread where the weenie cursed me before the ban hammer is gone and another concerning C Products is locked. Go figure.


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