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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Links2k

    Ar 15 Optics?

    I have the EOTECH 512 on the M&P15T and I plan to put the Vortex Sparc on the 15-22.
  2. First let me say that I am a big fan of Critical Defense ammo. Prior to the introduction of CD my preference was Speer Gold Dot, Corbon DPX and Remington Golden Sabre ammo. When I purchased the LCP on tuesday the young lady gave me a box of PMC and a box of Powerball ammo. I also purchased a box of Hydro Shox ammo since the store was out of CD. I had seen the Powerball ammo in the store before but never paid it much attention. I was also surprised that it cost as much as DPX ammo according to the sticker on the box. I would like to know as much as anyone can tell me about the Powerball ammo. It is marketed as a defensive ammo that can penetrate glass and doors. Thanks, Links2k
  3. Make light of it if you will, but I never underestimate the power of greed.
  4. I am a fan of CTC. I have their sights hanging on several pistols and my M&P15T (MVF515 RED). I think that they will be perfect on this little pistol. I am really giddy about the LCP. It is truly a pocket pistol when compared to the G26.
  5. I won't argue on the internet because it is a waste of time. However, I believe those stories. It is your right not to believe.
  6. Once they go up they won't come back down until people start parking their cars again like they did a few years ago.
  7. Thanks for posting this. I have been hearing those stories since I was a kid. The oil companies have been suppressing these technologies forever.
  8. I think that I just dislocated my jaw laughing.
  9. I purchased my G26 with TFO sights installed.
  10. Classis Arms in Cordova has Trijicon and Meprolights for $98 installed. I just purchased a set for my G30 from TGO member halfpint (Chance). He works there.
  11. The prices always equate to what you would pay buying online plus the transfer fees (sometimes cheaper). They are the only store in the area that always has inventory. Every gun that I have wanted they have in stock with the exception of Les Baer and Wilson Combat.
  12. Usually around 2am for about 15 minutes
  13. I know about the Superfly. I have owned one for a while that I have used with my G26 during the summer.
  14. I am speaking of the original electric car that they produced. The car was leased not sold. The oil lobby ensured that patents were purchased and the right people were paid off to guarantee that the car would never be available to the public in a affordable platform. If I am correct all but one car was collected and destroyed.
  15. Just like when GM was forced to kill the electric car. Big oil is big brother.
  16. I guess that I own the record for trade offers. They offered me $275 for each of my M&P pistols.
  17. Brazil and Venezuela runs millions of cars off of alternative and cheap fuels. We could too if the oil lobby was not so strong and Americans did not trust their political parties so much. Chavez provides very cheap fuel for his people while our leaders and lobbyist get fat off of our laziness/ignorance.
  18. I would go with a Glock 30 or 36.
  19. You are correct sir. I can assure that this won't be my last oversight when I post. Thanks again, Links2k
  20. Tombstone is an most excellent movie.
  21. I think that it will be nice for when I want to go smaller than the Glock26. I have to find a pocket holster and some extra magazines now.
  22. I like the 15-22 because it is a mini version of my M&P 15T and I can let the twins blast it for cheap. You can get one from $449 up to $529 depending on what options you get.
  23. I went to Memphis' favorite gun store today to get another M&P 15-22. I sold the old one to a forum member and naturally I regretted it. Today I got the MOE version because I am a Magpul slut. Surprisingly the store was not very crowded this morning. Not surprising was the fact that I was ignored for ten to fifteen minutes. That turned out to be a good thing. While the fat walrus looking guy pretended not to see a six foot tall overweight man standing in front of him a good lookin young lady walked in. I chatted up the young lady while she received the mandatory brush off. Seems she had recently purchased a pistol there and was having second thoughts ( her reason for the return was that she was moving out of state and did not want the hassle of learning the new states gun laws or trying to obtain a permit). The young lady stated that the guy that she purchased the pistol from assured her that she could return it for a fair price when she spoke to him on the telephone (naturally he could not be found when she arrived). One of the guys takes the pistol goes to the back to get an appraisal. I am certain by my dealings with them that means that he is taking a piss and a smoke break. A few minutes later he returns and offers $120 for her lnib Ruger LCP. She appeared to know that she would not get close to what she paid for it, but I don't think she came prepared to get screwed again so soon after Valentines day. ZING! She does the smart thing and retrieves her pistol then leaves the store. After about 10 seconds of thought I followed her out of the store and asked her what she wanted for the pistol. Fast forward. I paid closer to what she was expecting, but not enough not to make it a very good deal for me. That's all I have to say about that. Keep in mind that I have no need for an LCP. However, I have been curious about them since they were first advertised. I also wanted to know why the LCP and 380 ammo had been so hard to find. I am now the owner of a interesting little LCP. I think that this is going to be fun. Cell phone pictures of the 15-22 and LCP


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