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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. That doesn't matter to me. I don't like him because he is a lying, weak and thieving politician.
  2. Not very long ago I would have disagreed with you, but I am starting to believe that handouts don't help anybody.
  3. I was going to post this with the other thread about Tn illegal aliens, but I thought that it deserved its' own thread. I am curious to hear your views. I think that it is a interesting question that people rarely if ever ask. I have a question to ask about a situation that I often wonder about. It is not intended to provoke and I apologize if it offends. How will your views about minorities and govt policies aimed toward minorities change in a couple of decades when hispanics are the majority in this country and whites, blacks, asians and American indians are the minorities? I am talking about a Planet of the Apes (I am not comparing hispanics to apes) scenario where everything as you know it turns around. How would your views change if/when this occurs?
  4. Great private schools in Memphis. MUS and Briarcrest are the best! Just kidding. My babies attend those schools and I am very happy with them. I don't think that Memphis is any different from other large cities. Large concentrations of poor people causes above average crime stats in certain parts of town.
  5. Good call. It should be illegal to sell a G19.
  6. Links2k


    Swype is so easy I can do it. ZING! There is a tutorial that will walk you step by step.
  7. There are as many great places to live and attend school in Memphis as there are stupid/lazy people in Memphis. They should visit for a few days to see what the area has to offer and then make a decision.
  8. Good looking pistol. A little steep in the price department.
  9. Links2k


    Swype allows me to text half as fast as my kids. For me that is warp speed.
  10. God bless David, you and your family.
  11. Links2k


    Droid X here. No need for the Iphone. Droid rocks!
  12. I just ordered a Vortex Sparc for my 15-22. I will give you a report after I put some rounds down range. You can get them for $199 on SWFA or Midway USA. I was looking for cheap scopes and I ran across a video of the Sparc on Youtube. Impressive for a budget red dot.
  13. This would be a very good start. I was reading the business section of the local paper today and noticed photo of the hispanic men working on the hospital in Bartlett. I wondered about their status and about how many people might be losing jobs if they are illegal. If they are legal I am happy that they can maintain employment in this economy.
  14. Same here. This works best for the wife also. I less step to perform.
  15. +1 There is no difference, but you must admire how they continue to fool everyone. Everyday people love to fight the imaginary fight for their side/party.
  16. That's fair. Giving people a choice is always a good thing.
  17. Never! That does not sound compassionate. We only get 2-5% of our oil from them,but it's SWEET CRUDE MAN!
  18. I just wish that we would spend some money on this countries infrastructure and stop sending/spending all of that tax money overseas.
  19. Can you say Sweet Crude? Obama is a lap dog just like all of the previous presidents.


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