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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. No, I just have a opinion. God Bless America!
  2. This move by FOX is long over due. MSNBC got rid of Olberman(?). Beck is gone. Now get rid of that hand puppet Hannity from FOX and Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC. The ones who aren't crazy are nothing but parrots for the Dems or GOP telling people who are too ignorant to think for themselves what to believe.
  3. This! I am laughing my behind off because some of you had expectations that "BONER"and his crew would produce. Both gangs (gop and dems) are in this thing together and it's us (the people) vs them (politicians and giant corporations). Stop eating up the talking points and party lines and demand accountability.
  4. I wish that more people could see that.
  5. I wonder how much we could save if we got all of our troops out of foreign countries.
  6. No problems with power. It was just the cable and internet having issues. It was back up by noon today and they will be bringing out a fancy new modem in the morning.
  7. Then blame Obama for not doing anything about immigration.
  8. Were it not for my Droid X and netbook I would be cut off from society. I actually had to pick up a book and read last night. Can you imagine that in 2011?
  9. That's pretty dramatic. Until people stop buying into what the modern politicians and radio personalities are selling and start demanding accountability we are doomed. Every couple of years the politicians come up with hot button issues that causes the silly dems and republicans to fight over petty issues while ignoring immigration and the economy. They have no reason to act on immigration as long as they can get people to fight over if the lame in the WH has a birth certificate or if union employees make too much money. Hot button issues equal bait and switch. Our biggest problems right now are our representatives.
  10. They are excellent weapons. Makes me look like a better shooter than I am.
  11. Silly me. I would keep it that way for a fun range gun and buy another one for competition.
  12. I regretted selling my last Les Baer TRS so with the help of the guys at Classic Arms I obtained another TRS that will be a life long family member.
  13. Get a Harris for under $100 and be done with it.
  14. From what I have heard the 16" barrel is optimum for all of the uses that you mentioned.
  15. Check out www.68foums.com. Lots of good info and good people.
  16. Springfield TRP or used Les Baer Custom on the high end of your price range
  17. They will be out of the peoples house soon enough. Replaced by some other self serving politicians.
  18. No one is answering the question. Would your views change in a world turned upside down?


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