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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I knew I’d get a laugh out of this thread.
  2. Yep, and depending upon how many mags you need, you’ll only be out of a couple hundred dollars. No knock on the original Macro.
  3. The few stories I’ve heard about psilocybin have been very favorable. Like marijuana, big pharma will bribe our politicians to keep this substance from reaching its full potential.
  4. I appreciate you all engaging this topic.
  5. I believe we’re envisioning two different things when speaking of mental wellness. Gender identity is not a concern of mine. Live and let live as far as I’m concerned. I’m speaking about issues that actually prevent an individual from being a stable, functioning member of society.
  6. Sorrow, but the answers are above my pay grade. Seriously though, I’d rather see more people seeking treatment than avoiding treatment to avoid ridicule. There are some f’d up people running around who need treatment, but aren’t seeking treatment. Healthy mental health should be normalized. Here’s an example. I watched a video earlier today of some young Memphis terrorist (car thieves & burglars) and it reminded me of a conversation I had a decade ago with a friend about young people from bad neighborhoods having ptsd. Their behavior is not justified , but growing up around gunfire, beatings, robberies, avoidance of authorities and rape can definitely have an effect on the psyche. In some cases it becomes ingrained as normalcy. When you couple those issues with being labeled weak or crazy, a person’s mental well being can definitely suffer. In essence, I get what some may see it as coddling or paying too much attention to the mental well being of others. That being said, I believe we are a society playing catch up on the concerns of the psychological health of the public. Many of us on TGO are hard men and women because of our upbringing. It’s a badge of honor for most. We are a product of our times. Some things couldn’t get done without hard men and women. Doesn’t mean that there aren’t some scars on the brain.
  7. I agree with your last statement, but I’m more in line with @Luckyforwardin my thinking about people seeking help, even though there are more mental health resources available than ever before. We are definitely a “suck it up” culture. By the time people seek help for their mental health ailments, they’ve probably gone without treatment for years trying to avoid the stigma of being labeled crazy.
  8. https://thehill.com/homenews/3904434-3-hospital-employees-7-deputies-charged-with-murder-in-death-of-black-virginia-man/ The DA said said she won’t be releasing the video. Crump, Krudys and Otieno’s family were shown the video of Otieno’s treatment both at the local jail in Henrico and later at the hospital. They all said they could see no evidence of Otieno being disruptive or violent as the deputies had claimed.
  9. Links2k

    Bank Run

    It appears that unlike 2008 a lesson will be learned by the investors in these failed banks. Apparently only depositors will be protected this time around. I’m not a financial advisor, but I understand investments come with risks.
  10. Here’s a little foreshadowing from Tucker concerning protecting the powerful. https://www.mediamatters.org/tucker-carlson/tucker-carlson-i-lie-if-im-really-cornered-or-something-i-lie As another commenter stated, “It’s almost as if Tucker was predicting his future.” “I hate him passionately!” - Tucker Carlson text concerning a private Florida citizen in the Dominion defamation lawsuit
  11. The city has concluded their investigation, and the remaining videos will be released soon. ***Check that. As of 15 minutes ago Criminal Court Judge James Jones Jr. has placed a hold on the release of additional video until the defendants and their attorneys have a chance to review the additional footage.
  12. No amount of funding will stop what’s occurring in a corrupt Memphis PD or a lawless city of Memphis unless the DA puts and keeps people including violent juvenile offenders in jail. No one in their right mind wants anarchy. That’s just frustrated talk. You make very valid points about unmarked vehicles. It is widely known in Memphis regardless if it’s reported on the news that bad guys use their vehicles to impersonate undercover cops to rob, rape and carjack people. People will tell you that when they see blue lights behind them, they hope it’s a marked car. Lastly, if critical timing in an investigation as stated by another member boils down to the use of an unmarked vehicle, that’s not a solid investigation with redundancy. Maybe that’s why many Scorpion cases were thrown out regardless of their high stat padding arrest rate.
  13. Mavic2 with the smart controller
  14. I love motorcycles. My last bike was a 2003 Honda Racing Erion Edition with a tune and exhaust. I decked it out with matching tank skins/seat covers and I had multiple Vanson leathers, Shoei helmets and Joe Rocket outfits to wear when I was out and about. I’m always doing too much. A guy drove overnight from South Carolina to get it, because I sold it at a ridiculous price. I’m considering a Harley Tri-glide so I can spend more time with my brother and his club. Two wheelers are now out of my league. If it wasn’t for wives we would never leave home. I only join her on international trips so I can splurge on hotels with swim out pools or ridiculous amenities. She does domestic trips with her girlfriends. She a fanatical line dancer. That’s a whole story unto itself.
  15. Yes, I’m using MSFS 2020 for civilian flights and DCS for military flights. I’ve spent so much money on peripherals in the last three months it’s embarrassing. He can share it here. It’s very interesting.
  16. I’m feeling this. “Republicans lie and democrats leave out key pieces of the truth that would make for a more nuanced discussion.” -Chris Rock
  17. That’s definitely a most interesting and unique hobby.


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