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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Like most things on the internet. Sorry that I am not a part of the circle jerk agree with everybody good old boys club. I don't care for Beck. It does not make me a bad guy. I am certain that because I posted this some of you don't care for me. Does not make you bad. Live and let live.
  2. I like it. One stop deal shop.
  3. I never said that you guys could not ask me questions. I am not obligated to answer them. I made my statement because I wanted to see how other people felt about the departure. I see that he has a big fan club here. Does not change anything. I am still glad that he is leaving and he still has his fan club. Nothing changed!
  4. I agree. I must add that the pawns do fight harder than the politians for the politians and radio/t.v. guys to sow fear.
  5. Sir, I would not suggest that you do anything. I stated my opinion and later I stated my reason for that opinion. My views about Beck don't affect Beck or anyone in this thread. Just my opinion. Beck is not dying. Hell, for all we know he may come out of this thing even better.
  6. I am not a fan. That quote helped me deal with a personal situation and it reminds me to stay strong and keep my head above water.
  7. It is that. I guess that I underestimated the power and popularity of the Beckster.
  8. Just heard this morning that we are the happiest state. There is a lot to be happy about if you are staying out of jail for being corrupt.
  9. Man, these guys love them some Beck. If we were stating opinions on something that really mattered things might get ugly.
  10. I know why I don't like him. He is a fear mongering lunatic that takes advantage of SOME people who can't sort thru his theatrics. Thanks for your understanding and compassion. Those t.v./radio guys do state facts from time to time, but the guys on FOX and MSNBS spend alot of time getting people stirred up. So, when the next one is gone I will be equally happy.
  11. I don't think that I have to be forced to choose between horse crap and bull crap. This is not high school or kindergarden so it matters not what you and others think. The same people bothered by my opinion are mostly the people that felt the same way when MSNBC fired crazy Olbermann. Beck,Olbermann and the others are fine without us. I feel safe in saying that Beck is not sitting somewhere uptight because someone said something about you. Your self esteem is not my problem. Everyone is not equal! That is the crap that you tell kids to make them feel better.
  12. I am not telling you what to think. I am stating my opinion like everyone else here. It does not make me right, wrong or elitist. If I did think myself to be elitist no one would make me feel bad about it.
  13. Any jail time equals unemployment for me. Not worth the risk. With the exception of work I now try to avoid any place that I can't carry.
  14. The problem is not that people listen to or watch these shows. The problem is that some people don't dissect the information that they get from these shows. Those guys are paid entertainers and their main priority is keeping food on their table and money in their pockets so feeding you some b.s. every now and then to keep the rating up is not beyond them. Also, my wife and I earn a good living, but even if we didn't there is no way that I would let a millionaire who can't relate to my living situation dictate what issues should be important to me.
  15. None of them are any good for us, but until we start sifting thru the hot button issues and talking points we will continue to get the trash that we have on both sides. Every election they start talking about sissies and abortion to get your mind off of the money burning wars, budget, jobs and the economy. To me until they address the border, budget and economy they are just blowing smoke up our arses. To attack PP and eco regs while there are bigger issues shows that we are being played for suckers.
  16. I agree, but some people think that these few are the exception (Mike Pence, Paul Ryan, Bachmann). I believe they are until they have to make real decisions. Just like us forum dwellers it's easy to have the answers standing on the sidelines.
  17. Getting butt slammed in prison does not sound fun at all. I will try caution and awareness.
  18. Both parties are responsible, but some people would like to think that their "team/side" is without blame. Both parties suck equally and could care less about you or the well being of this country after election day.
  19. American Idol and Family Guy gets high ratings. They also provide the same amount of credible information.


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