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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. Guns and Ammo has everything that you would ever want, but the prices are really inflated imo. Enjoy the Music Fest. The LE presence in downtown will give you the warm and fuzzies. Stay out of Frayser, North and S. Memphis and you should have a great time.
  2. It's one of those rolling hair balls from the 1970s Star Trek.
  3. Wait until the elections. They will start bombarding us with all of the so called moral issues. Jobs, the economy and the three wars won't be mentioned. The politicians are great at the misdirection play. There will also be a big issue that's certain to get the two sides at odds causing people to ignore the issues even more.
  4. Links2k

    Game of Thrones

    I watch. It's interesting.
  5. I always hear about direct dropping the signal during storms. How often does that happen?
  6. Very good deal. Congrats!
  7. Bad reviews on u verse. Looks like Direct Tv is going to be my option.
  8. The old one was light years ahead of this trash.
  9. It's been a slow roll out. I was told to expect it in january and it finally happened this past weekend. The new guide looks like someone programmed it with a Commodore 64. They took away the ability to program repeat series at odd hours, pip, date, it stops recording if you turn off the dvr, stops recording if you change the channel , if you set up the dvr to record all new programs for a certain show it will record that program and repeats everytime that it comes on on any station, and more. It's like having cable in the 1970s. All I need is a cord running from my remote to my box.
  10. I am also considering giving up cable. I will switch if I find lower rates and a good product, but it is nothing that I have to have. ATT gives a 30 day trial period so I may look at them before I give up on cable. I went to the comcast forums and found that basically 20% of us were down graded to the service that the other 80% of their customers have. From what I found this crap with Xfinity has been going on since 2007.
  11. I think that the new guide is horrible. It is like going from Windows Vista to Windows 98. If anyone has Dish, U-Verse or DirectTV please tell me how you like the service, dvr and guide. Right now I am leaning towards U-Verse because they are starving for new customers, you can record four programs at one time on one dvr, and have really low introductory rates for 12 months to stick it to Comcast while customers are unhappy. Thanks, Links2k
  12. Verizon hands down. Customer service has always been great. Nothing was wrong when I had Sprint, but all of my dealing with Verizon have been good.
  13. Congrats on the new purchase. I do the 19 & 26 in warm weather and the 30 when it is cold.
  14. Links2k

    My first Glock

    The forum just got a little better. Congrats.
  15. +1 Key word being "diverse". I think that the entire state is a great place to live. Tennessee offers something for everyone. WELCOME!
  16. You made a smart purchase. The Glock 19 and 26 are the cream of the crop in 9mm. Sincerely, Glock groupie
  17. I did have an idea of the type of responses that I would get. I thought that more smart people would reply. JUST KIDDING! Really I posted because I am glad that he is leaving and I was curious about how you guys felt about his departure. Also I was surprised that a couple of days had gone by since the news broke and as informed as you guys are no one had said anything about it. I don't think that David requires every thread to get a +1. I am certain that it is ok for me to not like Beck. I am done. Y'all have fun.
  18. It matters to someone. You guys keep posting. I have no problems with your opinions. I am being made the villian because I have no use for Beck. If you like him good for you. As I said earlier I was just curious as to how people felt about his departure. It's obvious that his departure rubs alot of you guys the wrong way. It appears that you guys have a problem that I don't share your views about Beck, not the other way around.
  19. post #70 I know why I don't like him. He is a fear mongering lunatic that takes advantage of SOME people who can't sort thru his theatrics. Thanks for your understanding and compassion. Those t.v./radio guys do state facts from time to time, but the guys on FOX and MSNBS spend alot of time getting people stirred up. So, when the next one is gone I will be equally happy. ***These are all of the answers that I can provide for your questions to me about Beck. If you are not satisfied have Beck look into the future and tell you what you want to hear.


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