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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. 1ST gen drum. I am calling for the free replacement 2nd gen in the morning. They said it is ok to return the old one used. I really don't care for the drum. I plan to use stick mags with it and sell/trade the new drum at some point in the future. BTW the 1st gen drum has a clear plastic thumb wheel and the 2nd gen has black. I have talked with owners of both and most people have had no issues with the first gen and some think that they were a rush job piece of crap. Chance said that my stick mags should be here around tuesday and I will get it and the lcp out to the range for a test run. I keep purchasing other guns (I am thinking about Sigs to the collection), but nothing seems to get the Glock 19 out of my holster.
  2. Very nice truck. I am glad to see that Obama is not keeping everyone down.
  3. My interpretation is that he is trying to say that the knee-grows are taking over the streets.
  4. Glad you all are fine, but it sounds like you are attempting to get people fired up and lead this thread in a certain direction. Check back shortly. Someone will come along and give you what you want.
  5. My understanding is that the weapon should only be shot with 00buck and slugs for the break in period and then it will shoot anything including light bird loads.
  6. What's the name of your store? I try to patronize local member businesses.
  7. corner of Winchester and Riverdale in the old Super Kmart building. take 385 to Riverdale and exit south bound and it will be on your left as soon as you exit 385
  8. Been wanting one for a while so that the twins can shoot .22 rifles at the same time (the other is a M&P 15-22). It also gives me an excuse to put a few thousand rounds down range on the cheap. Got it from Arms Faire in Cordova for $449. I saved almost a hundred bucks over going to G&A. Waiting on a few 22rd mags from Chance at Classic Arms and we will be good to go.
  9. I got it. Didn't you know that you can't joke around here. At least not while Obama is ruining the country.
  10. Pictures of the clowns that were with Osama available on www.drudgereport.com.
  11. It has been down for at least the last 12 hours.
  12. I love TGO! Nothing like free entertainment.
  13. I had that at first. Try going to the buttom of the page and clicking the full version tab if you have one.
  14. I have no problems getting the entire site on my Droid X. No tapatalk needed.
  15. Yep! Great deed. Not surprised that it is being touted as a Obama conspiracy. Lets get some more bad guys.
  16. Yeah, that's true. Having expectations from politicians will get your feelings hurt.
  17. They are pros at getting the people to argue over petty isses. It almost causes me to explode at election time when people are talking about petty hot button issues instead of focusing on the big picture. I can assure you that we will be talking about gays and birth certificates instead of the economy, wars, immigration and jobs running up to the next election.


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