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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I am that guy. You forgot to add flash light. When I travel light and take chances I leave my spare mag at home.
  2. That is a good place to eat. Just don't leave that disc on green very long. You will get smothered with meat.
  3. I hate that your family had issues while you where here, but my opinion stands. I can't remember reading where someone from west Tennessee bashes another part of the state. Most Memphians love our city and we are proud of our entire state.
  4. Don't you guys know that it's fashionable to bash Memphis even if you have never lived in or visited Memphis. I have found that people who have lived here and still bash the city had very limited views and people skills.
  5. I got a pile of them from Midway USA when they first hit if I am not mistaken they were only $21 a box then. I just checked and they have it for $24 box of 375 now. I still have a good supply of mini mags that I purchased during the great Obama scare a couple of years ago.
  6. CCI mini mags were great in my first one. I am planning to use the CCI tactical .22 load in my new one. Very fun gun. If you have kids they will love it.
  7. I think that the shine has worn off of Obama. They won't vote this time around.
  8. You are a breath of fresh air. There is nothing as beautiful as common sense.
  9. Good details. Memphis is a good place to live. Most of the people that bash it never lived here or may have had some type of misfortune befall them, but Memphis offers plenty of everything that you are looking for except outdoor shooting ranges.
  10. Jack has a sweet after taste to me. I like it. I have yet to try George.
  11. I tried the local store first and they refused. I called customer service and was told to take the rifle to the main facility in Memphis making sure that I had no identifying marking on the box. They had no problems trucking the rifle to a ffl.
  12. UPS has no problem shipping from a individual to a business. They look at you side ways if you try person to person.
  13. Thanks guys. I well be checking with our vendors in the near future.
  14. I am ready to purchase some NFA items and I have read almost every post in the NFA section. I have one question just to clear some things up for me. Can I set up a trust prior to purchasing a NFA item or do I have to purchase the items prior to setting up the trust? Thanks, Links2k
  15. Thanks. I have boy/girl twins and my son wants the M&P 15-22, so when school is out in a couple of weeks I'm going to take my baby girl to the range and surprise her with the GSG 522. She shoots a rifle much better than he does (he likes 1911s). It's going to be a fun summer for them. It's nice to be able to buy toys that we can all play with.
  16. I called ATI this morning and got a RA number to return the old drum mag and they stated that a new drum mag is on the way. Not everyone is having problems with the old drum mag, but I figured if they were swapping them out for the current model I may as well get upgraded before I have issues.
  17. Links2k

    But which 1911 ????

    Cool. I am thinking about getting the 1911. I have a question about something else. Sending you a pm.
  18. Links2k

    But which 1911 ????

    I was over at a local gun store the other day inquiring about the Ruger 1911 and word has it that the first one that they receive may have your name on it. Are you willing to comment on this sir?
  19. Links2k

    But which 1911 ????

    I would try a Springfield loaded or the new Ruger in that range.
  20. Whew. I am relieved. I thought that you were going to say Kenyan.
  21. A guy on arfcom has what you are looking for. $1200
  22. I apologize if you two gentlemen did not detect the sarcasm and comedic intent. Please find a soap box to stand on a bit farther from me. I am certain that Obama is doing something that requires your attention.


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