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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. It's the thug culture taking over Nascar. What are we gonna do?:panic: When I was much younger I would have said so what, but now fully understanding the potential for injury or death the penalty needs to be more than a slap on the wrist.
  2. Links2k

    Nose Hairs.....

    I have more of them growing than I have hair growing on my head.
  3. Can't miss what you don't watch. I won't notice one way or the other.
  4. That's very good to know.
  5. I was wondering the same thing this morning. I would like to turn on the news and see millions of dollars in aid being sent to our tornado victims from foreign countries.
  6. OC spray. I know a guy (he was out of line...no more details) who died after being tasered by le.
  7. I've never touched the Colt, but I can't find a thing wrong with the M&P 15-22. I am on my second rifle.
  8. Very sorry for your loss sir. God bless you, your family and Joplin.
  9. You have to offer the fudge covered Oreos.
  10. Links2k

    Ruger SR1911

    I agree. I will eventually own one, but it will be at a reasonalbe price.
  11. Yes I vote, but I only vote issues. I don't let the parties sucker me in with hot botton issues. I am very cynical when it comes to politicians and I make no apologies for that. I want actions from our so called leaders not pep rallies. Our elections are becoming nothing but high school popularity contest. The people are not demanding that our representatives address the issues. We let them trick us into getting caught up in trival matters while the country continues to implode. Obamas days are limited so we need to ensure that we elect a leader that will lead this country. We don't need someone in office simply because we like him or because he makes a good speech. Don't we already have that. I like old man Paul. I don't agree with everything he stands for but he has good ideas for this country. I also know that I have a better chance of getting elected to office than Mr. Paul. I will continue to follow Mr. Cain and hopefully he will be what this country needs. I don't have to like him. I just want to see if he will be a leader and not de lo mismo.
  12. What do his oratory skills have to do with his qualifications to be an effective president and leader? He speaks well enough. Look what we have now - great speaker with no skills or leadership abilities. My main point is that he will be a politician. At that point he will lose any value that he had, but he will be or guy right? I would like to think that the leader of the free world would be well spoken. Your views may differ. To each his own.
  13. I hate to say it, but while Cain makes some good points, he makes GWB look like a great orator. Plus from the links above, it sounds like he's more of the same... True. The problem with Mr. Cain is that he is trying to become a politician.
  14. Since the world is ending and the raptors are coming today (may 21) would you trade the shotgun and the box for a raptor if I am able to catch one?
  15. I'm going to try to catch a raptor. I want to see if I can train it to replace my german shepherd. Thieves beware!
  16. You guys stop trashing the thread. Sent from a porta potty on Beale Street
  17. Dummy! Don't you know that the 870 uses magazines.
  18. I'm a vampire and I can't have my photo taken. Will you settle for a Kenyan birth certificate? I really want that box!
  19. Links2k

    Ruger SR1911

    Does not look like it is going to go for less than seven hundred plus in Memphis. G and A seems like they are going to charge Les Baer prices for it when it arrives.
  20. Links2k

    Ruger SR1911

    I thought that it was just me. They are cool as hell.
  21. If you decide to separate anything I will take the box. Pm me.
  22. If you weren't on the other side of the state and I had'nt just purchased a Red Rider BB gun. I would be all over that. If you still have it in 6 months I will take it.
  23. You are good to go. You only have an issue if you replace it with three.


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