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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. You actually crossed over to the side of the enlightened. Welcome.
  2. I agree. All able bodied people should work for their money. I say mandatory community service cleaning streets, parks, lakes, and school grounds. Memphis and other cities could use more sanitation workers. Put them to work in cafeterias, community centers and senior centers. They can deliver meals to the elderly, clean hospitals and more. There should also be mandatory parenting and budget classes. Make them do something for the money. I hate giving money to people who are able to work. While we are at it the cops need to get all of those guys off of the street corners shaking people down for money everyday. Make the cost of receiving welfare tougher and the problem will be solved. I am also for mandatory military service for all citizens, but you know that will never happen.
  3. You said what I wanted to say without being ugly. Good job.
  4. I understand. My teens still have not figured out that chores are not punishment. If I had a dollar for everytime I hear "nobody we know does chores" I could buy my own country. I know that I am doing right because they have promised to attend college and move away so that they don't have to work like field hands. As far as I am concerned thats a win in my book. I hate seeing adult kids at home with their parents if the parents are not ill and require assistance.
  5. Have you ruled out the Glock 26? It should be everything that you want.
  6. I thought that this one would already be listed. I hate the Verizon ad with the little ugly kid drinking a slurpee will questioning the sales clerk about a product.
  7. This is the truth that I try to share about Memphis. If you are not where you are not supposed to be (dealing drugs, stealing, robbing or buying whores) in Memphis you will have no issues.
  8. I will agree with you on one thing. Palin scares the hell out of me. As the kids say "Obama has been a epic fail", but with the exception of Ron Paul no one else is appealing to me. I am going to need alot more from the potential legitimate candidates.
  9. That 6" that you showed me was a beautiful monster.
  10. The local store has them, but as usual they are priced a bit more than what I want to pay. I will keep shopping. My patience has been paying off lately.
  11. I have been looking for a Ruger GP100 for a while. I had a chance to rent one at RangeUSA today. That thing is built like a tank with very little noticible recoil. I like!
  12. Aimpoint PRO and ML2 that I picked up on another site. Both came with mounts. I have always used Eotech, but I think these may be keepers.
  13. Nice weapon. Still looking to get me a Ruger GP100 or SP101. Enjoy!
  14. I hope that it opens. I will be making regular trips to the burg if it is public.
  15. I am familiar with Todd from the M&P forums. From what I have read he knows his stuff and is a good instructor. I also have a holster that a guy designed for him (means nothing in this thread...I know) . I have no gripes with his methods. Training is good. We must remember to choose what works best for us. For some its a few boxes of ammo and a cleaning and for others its a three week commando course in the boonies that cost $5000. I like to use new guns in training classes where you get to check its' fuction and shoot the hell out of it. This is where my love for glocks started (I was always a S&W fan). The wrong thing to do is on someones 40 years of experience because it's not what another instructor does. Both have their places.
  16. Thanks four the heads up guys. I guess that I will hang out at the park with the kids instead.
  17. You are known by the company that you keep. Welcome to the club genius.
  18. That's good to hear. I plan to purchase one as soon as I get one for less than MSRP.
  19. Don't you know that those blacks boyfriends can't wait for you to leave for church so that they can steal your mower. Nothing like a zero turn mower on twenties.


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