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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I think that its just a summer thing. Range USA was never crowded when it was cool outside.
  2. Yeah, I agree no bad guy would want to disturb such a unsuspecting target rich environment. Ego is a hell of a thing.
  3. Will do. I had nothing but problems since the xfinity "upgrade", so I decided to try something new.
  4. Thanks for the update. I just switched to ATT U-Verse bundle and thought that was the problem.
  5. This! The last weapon that I shipped UPS made it clear that the weapon had to be shipped to a licensee.
  6. You can't really believe this right? Crime is going unreported because the victims are not black? Those flash mob idiots deserve what they have coming, but your statement is crazy! I believe that media likes nothing better than to scare the hell out of Americans and there is no way that they would let an opportunity like this get by them without taking advantage of it.
  7. Les Baer TRS ...scary accurate
  8. +1 for Mason. I have only had him do sights for a couple of pistols, but each time I am in the store someone comes in to see him and he always has a can do attitude and seems eager to help. I have had work done on some internal parts at another store and the guy behaved like he could care less about me, my guns or my business. Classic Arms is fast becoming my favorite local store. Everyone there is very helpful.
  9. It has been a while since I purchased my home, but if I recall correctly I paid county code enforcement to do my inspection. If a house (especially wiring) passes their inspection you are good to go.
  10. I have the 15T. It's the best for my needs.
  11. I am biased, but take a good look at the Smith & Wesson M&P line. They are very solid.
  12. That's good to hear. I have a pile of mini mags and the new cci tactical .22 loads.
  13. That's good to hear. I have a pile of mini mags and the new cci tactical .22 loads.
  14. Chance said that he would give me a call in the morning. I have a few things to do so If I don't make it before noon I will have to wait until friday evening to pick them up.
  15. If only we could get some government assistance for our problem.
  16. I have a account to monitor my teens and keep up with old Army buddies. I remind them that not only do their friends see that crap, but so do classmates, church members, teachers, enemies and potential employers. At one point I had to order some things removed or closure of the account.
  17. I understand where he is coming from. I have a prom queen in my future. If not for a small purchase yesturday I would be relieving a forum member of his Elite Dark today.
  18. The problem was not finding a GP100, but finding one at a price that I liked. I should have this tomorrow along with a Walther P22 that Chance is holding for me over at Classic Arms. Smiles, smiles everyone- Mr Roark:D


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