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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I use a gunvault mini when I must leave a pistol in the car. You can bolt it in or use the supplied cable to attach it to something (seat frame) inside your vehicle.
  2. Thanks guys. I have been reading some reviews and they have all been mostly positive.
  3. What's the verdict? Good, bad or ugly.
  4. Now you are preaching! I wish others would see it.
  5. I like the coexist stickers. Add the Bush/Cheney stickers with the Obama stickers and double the fine for both.
  6. I will settle for cool/cold weather anytime.
  7. That town always needs an enema regardless which party is running things.
  8. I'm with you. I want mine back. It angers me to think that I will never see a penney of it.
  9. My understanding is that they are using Checkmate mags for the TacOps now. As stated before, everyone has nothing but good things to say about this pistol except the magazines suck. I may pass and start a fund for a Nighthawk Custom or Wilson Combat 1911.
  10. That was a good PSA. Reminds me to stay on top of my game.
  11. According to the media she is as guilty as OJ. Jury just did not see it that way.
  12. I have spent some time on the Sig forum and Arfcom the last couple of days. I see that the pistols that I want (P226 TACOPS and p229 SCT) have magazine issues. I don't care to spend a grand on a pistol and have to immediately buy new mags. I have to admit that I have done this for Les Baer and Springfield 1911s ( I think Wilson 47Ds are the best), but I don't want to do this for a Sig. The guys that have those guns love them, but the magazine issues concern me. What have you all heard concerning the magazines?
  13. I would love to have one of those dogs in a couple of years. Being a former MP I know that those are loyal and lovable dogs. The transportation situation sucks as far as getting them home.
  14. Those guns are almost too pretty to shoot.
  15. The SRT trigger sounds like a winner. If all goes well I will make my decision and have a new Sig in a couple of weeks.
  16. M&P 15-22 is fast becoming the standard imo
  17. Thanks guys. I will research those pistols also. I am staying away from the .40 because I carry 9mm about 75% of the time and .45 in the winter. I am not looking to add another platform at the moment.
  18. I am ready to put a Sig P229 back in my safe. I am considering the SCT and the E2. What are your opinions on these pistols and would you recommend another P229 other than these if you were looking to purchase one?
  19. Top Brass is never crowded, but it seems that the ventilation and ac are never on.
  20. Just three days in and the multiview and onscreen caller id were worth it. Bot...having no issues on the site today.


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