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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. First and worst mistake. I am certain that I broke some type of land speed record the day that I accidently carried my pistol into work. I would have been terminated with no questions asked. Now it's second nature to put my pistol in the safe before leaving my vehicle.
  2. Links2k

    2011 NFL Season

    That exploding Dallas Cowgirls helmet is the best.
  3. I am going to create a bumper sticker that says "My last is smarter than your government".
  4. I am so sick of this kind of crap! More kids dead over a car.
  5. No problems on U-verse or Droid X. Faster than the last two weeks.
  6. Enjoy your new 1911. I still see a Glock 19 in your future. They are very hard to resist.
  7. Links2k

    2011 NFL Season

    We can use him as a backup in Buffalo.
  8. I think that there is a spending problem also, but if what I hear about corporations getting tax dollars while they are making billions in profits that is bs. I don't trust either side. Obama is a weak liar and the GOP/TEA Party are not making the best decisions while trying to ensure that Obama is a one term President. I don't trust corporations to bring jobs back to this country because for years they have been making a killing by outsourcing jobs. Why bring jobs back here even for minimum wage if you can get the same work done in another country for pennies? The corporations will lie and say that regulations are forcing them to move overseas, but the truth is the big bucks come from having cheap labor. I will keep playing the same old broken record. We need a legitimate third party, because the current bums in both parties are playing all of us for suckers.
  9. The last two that I attended left me disappointed.
  10. The Exception....she is beautiful.
  11. This video was the first thing that I thought about when I read the title.
  12. You left out Les Baer. You can find some good used Baers for $1400-$1600 dollars.
  13. Welcome to the real world brother. It stings a bit, but you will be stronger for it.
  14. I have owned a g36 and it is a good gun, but the recoil was a bit more harsh when compared to the g30.
  15. I have the dvr set to record the series.
  16. I carry a glock 30 during the winter. Check it out.
  17. Thanks, those reviews seem par for the course.


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