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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. The people don't have the nerve to vote them all out. Some people trust their politicians.
  2. You hit the nail on the head. Glad that I came to my senses.
  3. If they don't respond. I will take that spot.
  4. Situational awareness is very good thing. Assuming that a crime is about to be committed because of someones car, dress or color is ignorant.
  5. I can agree with this and I attempt to practice these habits daily. In my own uneducated way your statement was what I was trying to say. Different does not automatically make a person a threat.
  6. One of the best ever. Very funny.
  7. Nothing wrong with it until you become the one being profiled.
  8. What did he do wrong? Because he was young person driving a crap car does that mean that he was about to commit a crime. The op stated that he was conducting business.
  9. Ok. I just read the post where the guy was profiling the kid at the gun store. Touche!
  10. Isn't that profiling? All he did was look young, dressed differently from you and drove a vehicle that may not be age appropriate for you.
  11. I hate bumper stickers. I only put them on my safe. I am forced to do the window stickers for my kids schools. As soon as I get them their own transportation I will be sicker/decal free.
  12. I don't own a sport, but I own a 15T. They are great guns. I don't shoot mine much anymore because of the local range situation, but the M&Ps are solid as they come.
  13. Lol...gagging. Sounds like something that I would tell me wife. She is like a lip/mind reader when we are out in public. Seriously, I am glad that you were paying attention to what was going on around you. I think that you did all that you could do in that situation.
  14. Good point. I should just put a bunch of pictures of 1911s in my safe. They can keep the Baers company.
  15. I decided not to do the trade. I have a couple of 1911s that are for the range, but I carry the Glocks daily. I was trying to get into the NHC without using a great deal of cash. Then I realized that it would only be used on a limited basis and spend most of its time in the safe. Right now I don't think that there is a pistol out there that could get the g19 out of my holster.
  16. I just wanted some opinions. I think that my mind was already made up. I have enough high dollar safe queens and I really like and carry the Glocks. The more the negotiations went on the more I was liking my pistols and cash.
  17. if you had a chance to pick up a Wilson Combat or NightHawk Custom 1911 in a 3 for 1 + cash deal? Initially it was a no brainer because glocks are a dime a dozen. Now, I am having second thoughts. What would you do?
  18. I agree. I guess that makes three socialist.
  19. Et tu Millington? Anyone know whats going on? No details in the last two days.
  20. +1 Old story and a bit off topic, but I will go to my grave believing that I stopped a robbery and perhaps saved my life by my reaction to those 4 guys at G&A last year. I am certain that they are the same guys that robbed a customer of his pistol a short time later.


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