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Everything posted by Links2k

  1. I watch Fox News just to see how they distract from what’s going on behind the scenes. Fox may not lose the trial, but they’ve been put on notice to stop the shenanigans. $1.6 billion before punitive damages will hurt. Dominion’s historic defamation case against Fox News will go to trial, judge rules, in major decision dismantling key Fox defenses By Marshall Cohen and Oliver Darcy, CNN Updated 7:16 PM EDT, Fri March 31, 2023 ew YorkCNN — Dominion Voting Systems’ historic defamation case against Fox News will proceed to a high-stakes jury trial in mid-April, a Delaware judge ruled Friday, in a major decision that dismantled several of the right-wing network’s key defenses. The judge’s decision is a painful setback for Fox News and sets the stage for an agonizing, weekslong trial, where the network’s highest-ranking executives and most prominent hosts could be called to the stand to testify about the 2020 election lies that were promoted on its air. Both sides had asked Delaware Superior Court Judge Eric Davis for a pretrial ruling in their favor, declaring them the winner. After thousands of pages of filings and exhibits, and a series of courtroom clashes, Davis decided the case should go to trial. But one question jurors won’t need to weigh, he concluded, was whether Fox’s claims about Dominion were true or false. Ad Feedback “The evidence developed in this civil proceeding demonstrates that is CRYSTAL clear that none of the Statements relating to Dominion about the 2020 election are true,” Davis wrote. Unless there is an out-of-court settlement — which is always possible — Davis’ ruling means jurors will need to decide whether Fox News defamed Dominion by repeatedly promoting false claims that the voting technology company rigged the 2020 presidential election by flipping millions of votes from Donald Trump to Joe Biden. Dominion wants $1.6 billion in damages. Jury selection is scheduled to begin on April 13 in Wilmington, Delaware. Fox News and its parent company, Fox Corporation, deny all wrongdoing. They’ve argued that their conspiracy theory-filled broadcasts after the 2020 election were protected by the First Amendment, because their on-air reporters were merely reporting on “newsworthy allegations.” “This case is and always has been about the First Amendment protections of the media’s absolute right to cover the news,” a Fox spokesperson said in a statement after the ruling. “Fox will continue to fiercely advocate for the rights of free speech and a free press as we move into the next phase of these proceedings.” Judge blocks key Fox defenses In his 130-page ruling, Davis dismantled several of Fox News’ potential trial defenses, dealing a significant blow to the network. On the whole, these findings from Davis take away several key arguments that Fox could’ve presented to the jury, making it harder for them to prevail at trial. Davis ruled that Fox News can’t invoke the “neutral report privilege,” which protects journalists who neutrally pass along newsworthy allegations in an unbiased fashion. Dominion had argued that Fox News hosts essentially took a side while covering the fallout of the 2020 election, by throwing their weight behind the false idea that the results were illegitimate, and Dominion was to blame.
  2. Yes sir, we’ll respectfully disagree. I have no intention to or support anyone attempting to strip away the rights of anyone. I simply see things from a different perspective. I swore an oath to the constitution with two entities, and that still stands. It doesn’t stop me from understanding that people embrace or discard social change depending upon their life experiences. I’m not in the least worried about 2A rights being stripped away for the same reasons it was said foreigners would never invade the country.
  3. Everything is political and financial. I have no problem with the Woke agenda, and again it is not the insult that others may want it to be. Neither is being called liberal. Those two words say more about the speaker than the groups mentioned. The poll posted by another member gives a minuscule snapshot of the demographics of TGO, therefore the response to my opinion is to be expected. Again, these companies are betting long term that they will profit more from young people than 50-80 year old men stuck in the past. Times change, and those unwilling to adapt are left behind longing for the good old days.
  4. I would assume that you are correct. The protesters aren’t asking for more guns in schools. They want guns removed from the communities, which we know isn’t going to happen.
  5. Woke isn’t the bad thing a bunch of old people think it is or want it to be. Organizations make decisions based upon the bottom line. Maybe they’re conceding that the loss of revenue from anti-woke individuals isn’t enough to justify continuing to pander to that group. Over time the organizations will gain more revenue from a younger more diverse community than from an older more frugal community.
  6. My wife and I paid lots of tuition for our kids education while also paying taxes like most everyone else. The education was a choice, the taxes weren’t. Security was paid for by the schools. I’d like to see it remain that way.
  7. Arms Fair on Trinity has a separate office next door to the store that only does transfers. $50 + TICS
  8. It’s NEVER quiet which would drive an old guy nuts, daily high potential for violence and no freedom of movement. I’ll pass regardless how old I get.
  9. Choose your cause, and this is almost always the case.
  10. Not only is this a good idea, after full implementation, it’s also cost effective.
  11. Good one. I thought it was general knowledge back in the day that CC contained cocaine. It least, that was the urban myth.
  12. I like the idea as long as measures are taken to ensure all students had the basic resources and necessities (internet, tablets & maybe food) required to learn. It will cost, but as you stated, it would be cheaper than maintaining redundant personnel, schools, buses etc. If I had young kids, I’d be in favor of this idea. My son’s middle/high school had private security and over time they knew pretty much every student, parent and vehicle. Strangers were immediately and politely confronted. I can’t recall there being any incidents on campus, even at sporting events. This sounds good it theory, but we may as well keep SRO’s. You have to consider a training standard as well as liability insurance.
  13. I believe the young people are justified in their rational fear. After all, they are overwhelmingly the people in the classrooms. I’d hate to have school aged kids in this climate. We must resist the temptation to apply adult logic to youthful fear. Their concern is extremely valid. They don’t want to live in a world or attend school surrounded by guns.
  14. Thanks for the clarification. My apologies to @Alleycat72. I like the new avatar better.
  15. I’ve wondered for two days, what would be the reaction if a legally armed teacher/administrator/ custodian/parent shoots a kid during an active shooter situation? I don’t have an answer. I just don’t see arming staff as a viable solution.
  16. I don’t believe politicians really care about gun control. Gun control is a dog chasing a car that it doesn’t want to catch. As long as there are cry’s for gun control and outrage after a mass slaughter, politicians are satisfied. For example, it’s my opinion the dog caught the car on Roe, now those who benefited from calls to overturn the law are searching for something else to be profitably outraged about. If anti-gunners were to miraculously achieve their dream, that would be their undoing. It’s not like there are many politicians actually interested in governing.
  17. I was wondering where that statistic about doctors came from. I don’t believe it, so I won’t be attempting to verify the claim. I believe the powers that be would love to see the populace disarmed. That being said, I’m not very concerned about it actually happening. Simply sampling our community on TGO gives you a glimpse of the odds of nationwide mass noncompliance. Also, you can look at the current uprisings in Israel and France as examples of standing up against a hostile government that are successful with the citizens using fires, rocks and protest. What could our government possibly achieve against an armed non compliant population in a federal gun grab?


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